Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


FBI and CISA warn that cybercriminals don't take holidays

The FBI and CISA (the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency) have jointly issued an advisory to organisations, warning about an increase in the number of attacks coinciding with weekends and holidays. With the Labor Day weekend rapidly approaching, the agencies have reminded businesses to be especially vigilant, remain diligent about their network defences, and “engage in preemptive threat hunting on their networks to search for signs of threat actors.”

What are bots costing travel and tourism companies?

We now live in an online-first world, accelerated by the events of the pandemic in 2020. Fraudsters have taken advantage of these conditions, using automated bot attacks to prey on businesses and consumers. To quantify the devastating financial impact bots are having on businesses of all types, Netacea surveyed 440 businesses from across the USA and UK. Read the full results in our report: What Are Bots Costing Your Business?

4 Differences Between Threat Hunting vs. Threat Detection

Increasingly, companies are becoming aware of the importance of building threat detection and hunting capabilities that avoid putting their businesses at risk. Now more than ever, when it comes to both protecting enterprise cybersecurity and delivering effective IT security solutions and services, organizations and MSPs can no longer simply act when cyberattacks occur, but long before they even pose a threat.

ASOC series part 1: How application security orchestration and correlation can improve DevSecOps efficiency

Application security orchestration and correlation tools empower security teams to speed up the AppSec process without sacrificing quality. In its 2019 “Hype Cycle for Application Security” report, Gartner revealed a new, high-priority tool category called application security orchestration and correlation (ASOC). ASOC delivers three primary benefits to the AppSec process within organizations: efficiency, scalability, and accountability.