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The Business Value of Security Service Edge (SSE) and the SASE and Zero Trust Journey

I’m not big on acronyms or buzzwords. Like many executives, my eyes glaze over when I’m being prospected with an alphabet soup of technology terms I supposedly “need” to care about. So why, then, does the title of this article include Security Service Edge (SSE), Secure Access Service Edge (SASE), and Zero Trust? Despite our justified disdain for acronyms, the ideas behind these terms hold genuine importance for business leaders.

An overview of our vulnerability assessment and pentesting process | Cyphere

This video will give you a broad overview of our vulnerability assessment and pentesting process. We'll talk about the different phases, how we prioritize vulnerabilities, and what workflows we use to make sure that your team is getting the most out of every engagement.#vapt #vulnerabilityassessment #pentesting

SANS 2022 Cloud Security Survey

The state of cloud security is evolving. Many organizations are implementing new and more advanced cloud security services that offer cloud-focused controls and capabilities, including services and tools that provide network connectivity and security for end users and office locations, security monitoring and policy controls, and identity services, among others.

[Webcast] Defending against nation-state actors

With the threat of Russian cyberattacks on the rise, it’s essential for defenders of critical infrastructure to pressure test their cyber defense capabilities. In this webcast, Corelight's Alex Kirk reviews the specific techniques, tactics, and procedures that defenders should monitor in order to identify and disrupt attacks in their environment. Alex has a long and storied career as a cybersecurity professional, including a recent volunteer engagement training Ukrainian cyberdefenders this past fall.

Rookie Of The Year - Lapsus$ Group

2022 saw several significant and historical cases in the ransomware industry, new players were introduced and some already have caused major damage to top-of-the-line organizations around the world. Although LAPSUS$ commenced its operations in December 2021, they have made its greatest impact in 2022, compromising major organizations such as NVIDIA, Vodafone, Samsung Microsoft, LG and Okta.

Trustwave's Action Response: The Lapsus$ Hacker Group Shows Us the Importance of Securing the Digital Supply Chain

Trustwave is actively tracking the threat of Lapsus$ for our clients. We encourage all organizations, especially those part of the digital supply chain, to remain vigilant and ensure that cyber best practices are implemented. We are actively investigating all unusual login behaviors for clients that use Okta. For more information on the Okta incident, please visit their blog. Trustwave does not use Okta. Actionable security recommendations for organizations can be found below.

Large-scale npm attack targets Azure developers with malicious packages

The JFrog Security research team continuously monitors popular open source software (OSS) repositories with our automated tooling to avert potential software supply chain security threats, and reports any vulnerabilities or malicious packages discovered to repository maintainers and the wider community. Two days ago, several of our automated analyzers started alerting on a set of packages in the npm Registry.

Lookout ZTNA - Intro to onboarding an application, securing access and protecting sensitive data.

In this Lookout ZTNA demo video, you will see how to onboard an application that is within your corporate network, how to secure access to the application using identity-driven policies and how to apply data protection policies to protect sensitive data.