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How to do password hashing in Java applications the right way!

There are multiple ways to store sensitive passwords. And while having choices can be great, in the context of password storage, picking wrong can be a security nightmare. With that in mind, let’s hash out some of your options 🥁🥁.In this article we’ll discuss how you should hash passwords in your Java applications. While you can apply these principles to any ecosystem, we’ll specifically showcase the best way to handle password hashing in Java.

Outpost24 webinar - The State of Ransomware in 2021 and How to Limit Your Exposure

Ransomware has continued to grow in maturity throughout the first half of 2021. As businesses struggle to understand yet another major attack that hit the Kaseya supply chain, organizations are beginning to realize data backups and cyber insurance alone won’t save them.

The trader bots controlling the global stock market

Trading on the stock market has only grown more complex in the past few decades. Thanks to high frequency trading (HFT) and the rise of Big Data in financial markets, it’s impossible for an individual investor, trader or stock analyst to make the right investment decisions quickly enough to react to an increasingly complex market. With traders needing to make investment decisions on-the-spot in seconds, not minutes, it’s unsurprising that they have turned to rule-based automation and AI.

How to secure Kubernetes at the infrastructure level: 10 best practices

Infrastructure security is something that is important to get right so that attacks can be prevented—or, in the case of a successful attack—damage can be minimized. It is especially important in a Kubernetes environment because, by default, a large number of Kubernetes configurations are not secure. Securing Kubernetes at the infrastructure level requires a combination of host hardening, cluster hardening, and network security.

SEC's Proposed Disclosure Amendments: Are You Impacted?

On March 9, 2022, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced proposed rules and amendments to enhance and standardize disclosures regarding cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance, and incident reporting. These proposed amendments impact all public companies subject to the reporting requirements of the Security Exchange Act of 1934. To summarize this proposal and learn how to successfully prepare for them, read on.