Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


JFrog Connect: Ready for What's Next for DevSecOps, Edge and IoT

Today at swampUP, our annual DevOps conference, JFrog CTO Yoav Landman unveiled the next step toward making the Liquid Software vision of continuous, secure updates a truly universal reality. We’ve introduced JFrog Connect, a new solution designed to help developers update, manage, monitor, and secure remote Linux & Internet of Things (IoT) devices at scale.

Webinar: "I get paid to hack your company and these are the controls I hate most!"

Drawing on over three decades’ experience in penetration testing for global organisations of all sizes, this webinar outlines some of the most common attack methods in use today and shares effective approaches for tackling them. The session on will detail the most effective security controls to prevent and mitigate common types of cyber-attacks.

Q1 2022 - Threat Landscape Virtual Briefing: Threat Actors Target Email for Access and Extortion

Watch the Q1 2022 Threat Landscape Virtual Briefing to hear from Kroll’s cyber threat intelligence leaders as they explore key insights and trends from from 100s of incident response cases handled by Kroll worldwide.

Netwrix Password Reset

Netwrix Password Reset is an Active Directory password reset tool that enables users to securely reset or change their own passwords and unlock their accounts from any web browser, desktop or mobile device — without calling the help desk. Are password-related tickets driving up your IT helpdesk costs? Do lockouts and password management headaches frustrate your users and disrupt vital business processes? A self-service password reset tool can solve these problems, but you might be worried that it could increase the risk of attackers slipping into your network.

Remediation Requests within RIsk Assessments Demo with Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert

Hear from UpGuard's Senior Product Manager, Chris Schubert, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Remediation Requests within Risk Assessments feature. You can now also send remediation requests from within risk assessments, enabling you to track the progress of each item under remediation and have a record of the remediation request embedded directly into the point-in-time risk assessment.

Vendor Portfolios Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya

Learn from UpGuard's Product Marketing Lead, Harsh Budholiya, as he introduces you to UpGuard's new Vendor Portfolios feature. Vendor portfolios provide security teams greater control over user permissions by giving them the ability to define access to all or selected portfolios for each user on the platform based on their role in the organization.

Jira Integration Demo with UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu

Hear from UpGuard's Product Marketing Manager, Annie Luu, as she introduces you to UpGuard's new Jira Integration feature. UpGuard's Jira integration plugs directly into your workflow management, giving you the flexibility to present only the information you want to the relevant people to address security risks promptly. =========== CHAPTERS:=========== Interested in finding out more about UpGuard?

A Problem Like API Security: How Attackers Hack Authentication

There is a sight gag that has been used in a number of movies and TV comedies that involves an apartment building lobby. It shows how people who don’t live there, but who want to get in anyway, such as Girl Guides looking to sell cookies to the tenants – simply run their fingers down every call button on the tenant directory, like a pianist performing a glissando, knowing that at least one of the dozens of apartments being buzzed will let them in simply out of reflex or laziness.

Secure your Software Supply Chain with Xray and Lightstep Incident Response

Securing your software supply chain requires proactively identifying compliance issues and security vulnerabilities early in your software development lifecycle. Additionally early detection must be coupled with an organized and agile method of response that brings together developers, operations and SRE teams to accelerate remediation workflows across the organization.