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Busting browser fails: What attackers see when they hack your employees' browser

The web browser is probably the most used application on your computer. It’s used for basically everything from checking email, communicating via social media, video conferencing to shopping, banking, gaming, and much more. While we are moving toward a more app-based mobile lifestyle, we are far from getting rid of the traditional web browser.

Solving cloud-based data security challenges

As organisations speed up their cloud migration strategies, security remains a prime concern. Despite the adoption of various security solutions on cloud computing platforms, we continue to see detrimental data losses and cybersecurity breaches being reported. The consequences of such an event range from financial losses and fines, to reputational damages which lead to a loss of market share.

PCI DSS Requirement 1: Summary of Changes from Version 3.2.1 to 4.0 Explained

With the launch of the new PCI DSS 4.0 version, people are still trying to get a grip on the changes introduced and the requirements improvised in the latest version. So, explaining the changes in detail VISTA InfoSec is publishing a series of expert videos explaining each of the requirements of PCI DSS in detail. So, check out the first video that talks about Requirement 1 of the PCI DSS 4.0 version, explaining the updates in detail.#pcidss #pcidss4.0

The best cybersecurity defense is great evidence

The saying “data is king” has been around for quite a while and we all know that the world operates and makes decisions on digital data 24x7x365. But, is data king in the field of cybersecurity? I believe that evidence - not data - is what is needed to speed defenders’ knowledge and response capabilities, so let's talk about both.

Security Automation, Lessons Learned from Top Gun: Maverick

The cybersecurity industry has talked about security automation for years. We’ve grappled with what, when and how to automate. We’ve debated the human vs machine topic. And when we’ve been burned by machines quarantining a system or blocking a port on a firewall in error, we’ve wondered if there’s any place at all for automation. But deep down we know that automation is the future, and the future is here.

How to Enforce Fine-Grained Authorization in Microservices

The shift from monolithic architectures to microservices poses complex authorization challenges to development teams. In this article, we look at how to enforce fine-grained access control in cloud-native environments as we make a case for a dynamic approach to authorization in microservices. Key takeaways.

Toast's Rebecca Blair: Lessons from building a security operations team from scratch

On this episode of the Future of Security Operations podcast, Thomas speaks with Rebecca Blair, Security Operations Center Manager at Toast, an all-in-one point-of-sale and restaurant management platform for food service and hospitality businesses. After working in various cybersecurity roles over the past decade, Rebecca joined Toast in 2021 as the first employee of its security operations center.

Terraform security best practices (2022)

This article provides a breakdown of the most important Terraform security best practices to consider when implementing an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) environment. Terraform is a highly popular IaC tool offering multi-cloud support. IaC means that infrastructure is deployed automatically and configured at scale, which has immediate benefits for efficiency and consistency.