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SLP: a new DDoS amplification vector in the wild

Earlier today, April 25, 2023, researchers Pedro Umbelino at Bitsight and Marco Lux at Curesec published their discovery of CVE-2023-29552, a new DDoS reflection/amplification attack vector leveraging the SLP protocol. If you are a Cloudflare customer, your services are already protected from this new attack vector.

Hacker's Playbook Threat Coverage Roundup: April 25, 2023

In this version of the Hacker’s Playbook Threat Coverage round-up, we are highlighting newly added coverage for several recently discovered or analyzed ransomware and malware variants, including Sabbath ransomware, 3CXDesktopApp vulnerability, amongst others. SafeBreach customers can select and run these attacks and more from the SafeBreach Hacker’s Playbook™ to ensure coverage against these advanced threats.

Mitigating rogue devices with OpUtils: What you need to know

Over the past few years, IT companies adopted IoT, wireless and hybrid networks to stay competitive and to meet the demands of their clients. Among these networks, wireless networks are the most common and the most vulnerable to cyberattacks as hackers constantly try to penetrate them. A cyberattack is initiated by planting a rogue device in your organization’s network.

Lessons from LastPass: The time when BYOD became BYOB (bring your own breach)

Unfortunately, for LastPass and its users, this nightmare became a reality in August 2022 when a developer account was compromised. This led to a series of events that ultimately led to the exposure of sensitive customer data. A hacker exploited an employee to access the company’s data. But get this: the hacker exploited a three-year-old vulnerability that wasn’t patched. That’s like leaving your front door wide open for three years and being surprised when a burglar walks right in!

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How To Get Developer Buy-In For AppSec Programs

Anyone who works on application security knows developers are inseparable from AppSec programs. Even so, the hardest part is figuring out how to get security on their agenda and actively involve them in preventing and managing vulnerabilities. Only with their buy-in and active involvement, it is possible to scale an application security program to the level desired by AppSec teams, especially in large enterprises where developers way outnumber security engineers.

The Weak Link: Recent Supply Chain Attacks Examined

Supply chain attacks are a growing and increasingly sophisticated form of cyber threat. They target the complex network of relationships between organizations and their suppliers, vendors, and third-party service providers. These attacks exploit vulnerabilities that emerge due to the interconnected nature of digital supply chains, which often span multiple organizations, systems, and geographies.

Oversight of Cyber Risk: The Board's Essential Role in Mitigation and Prevention

Cybersecurity has become a top-of-mind concern for many C-level executives and board members. Data breaches are a daily occurrence and carry a hefty — and growing — price tag averaging $4.35 million worldwide, according to the latest Cost of a Data Breach report. However, this is only one of several potential cybersecurity risks that an organization can face.

Securing the Edge Ecosystem Global Research released - Complimentary report available

AT&T Cybersecurity is committed to providing thought leadership to help you strategically plan for an evolving cybersecurity landscape. Our 2023 AT&T Cybersecurity Insights™ Report: Edge Ecosystem is now available. It describes the common characteristics of an edge computing environment, the top use cases and security trends, and key recommendations for strategic planning. This is the 12th edition of our vendor-neutral and forward-looking report.

Spring is the Perfect Season for a Digital Declutter

Spring is here! Who’s up for some digital spring cleaning? Digital de-cluttering helps you organize your life and has the bonus of reducing your vulnerability to common threats. But knowing where to begin can be hard; most of us leave a larger digital footprint than we realize. I have created a checklist to help you clear away the clutter and reap the rewards of a clean digital slate.

The K-12 Report: A Cybersecurity Assessment of the 2021-2022 School Year

The K-12 Report breaks down the cyber risks faced by public schools across the country and is sponsored by the CIS (Center for Internet Security) and the MS-ISAC (Multi-State Information Sharing & Analysis Center). Published “to prepare K-12 leaders with the information to make informed decisions around cyber risk”, the report provides a data-driven analysis of what went well, what could be better, and what exactly is threatening our K-12 schools.