Security | Threat Detection | Cyberattacks | DevSecOps | Compliance


Risk Management Planning: What Is It?

We all live in a world full of "what ifs." In data protection, the "what ifs" of data security control effectiveness can drastically change in a spur of the moment. If a malicious actor finds a zero-day exploit or even a previously unknown vulnerability, he/she can cause a domino effect data breach that cuts across your entire IT supply chain.

60% of Organizations Suffered a Container Security Incident in 2018, Finds Study

Many organizations have DevOps on their mind going into 2019. This is a global movement. In fact, Puppet and Splunk received responses for their 2018 State of DevOps Report from organizations on every continent except Antarctica. Those organizations varied in their industry, size and level of DevOps maturity, but they were all interested in learning how they could advance their DevOps evolution going forward.

Meet the Hacker: europa: "I always trust my gut when I get the feeling that something is there"

Meet the hacker europa, a white hat hacker on the Detectify Crowdsource platform. He is based in Italy with a great passion for infosec and relatively new to the bug bounty scene, but seasoned in infosec. We asked him about the kind of bugs he likes to find, why he joined Crowdsource and how persistence helped him turn a duplicate finding into a bug with 8 different bypasses.

New Release: ionCube24 App for iOS and Android

We are pleased to announce the release of the ionCube24 app for iOS and Android! With it, you can access ionCube24 wherever you are and monitor your site for performance and security issues. This is a big step forward for ionCube24 giving you ease of access for monitoring your website wherever you are. With notifications and in-app management options you can be aware of issues immediately and act fast. Take a look below to see what the ionCube24 app can do.

Security Orchestration Use Case: How to Automate Incident Severity Assignment?

Is your CSIRT team facing too many security alerts? Is your SOC has various security products that are jumbled together? Are you worried about setting the sensitivity of each product? How a severity level should be assigned to each imminent incident? These questions are hard to answer by today’s security professionals. However, security orchestration plays a crucial role in helping experts to address these questions.

What Does a Compliance Management System Look Like?

While automated tools often enable your compliance management system (CMS), the CMS is less a technology and more a corporate compliance program. A compliance management system looks like a series of policies, procedures, and processes governing all compliance efforts. However, as more companies embed technology across the enterprise and more compliance requirements focus on cybersecurity, information security integrates across the CMS.