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Protecting your GCP infrastructure with Forseti Config Validator part four: Using Terraform Validator

In the previous posts of this series, we discussed how you can secure your infrastructure at scale by applying security policies as code to continuously monitor your environment with the Config Validator policy library and Forseti. In this article, we’ll discuss how you can reuse the exact same policies and Terraform Validator to preventively check your infrastructure deployments, and block bad resources from being deployed in Google Cloud Platform (GCP).

Cyber Security Protocols That You Should Know

According to the recent research on cyber security, a significant amount of security breaches happens due to human error. In this article, we took a closer look at cyber security protocols that can help you eliminate the human error and keep your organization safe. The recent research on cyber security illustrates that a great number of security breaches take place because of human error.

Weekly Cyber Security News 06/12/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. I certainly have some ‘wow’ items for you this week. The first just does not bear thinking about as to the potential impact this breach could have – it really is an horrorfic ‘wow’: We know that BEC fraud schemes hope to take pot luck at a busy employee’s lapse of proceedure, but when they really have you in their eyes, the grip can be just ‘wow’.

The Differences Between SOX 302 and 404 Requirements

The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 (SOX) is a law that implements regulations on publicly traded companies and accounting firms. SOX was created to improve the accuracy and reliability of corporate disclosures in financial statements and to protect investors from fraudulent accounting practices.

Major data center provider hit by ransomware attack, claims report

CyrusOne, a major provider of enterprise data center services, is reported to have suffered a ransomware attack. The Dallas-headquartered company, which operates more than 30 data centers across the United States, China, London, and Singapore, is reported by ZDnet to have had some of its systems infected by the REvil (Sodinokibi) ransomware.

Staying Safe when Shopping this Holiday Season: Bricks and Clicks Edition

The shopping season is upon us, and like it or not there are lots of individuals who would love to replace your happiness with their sadness. Thus, at this festive time of the year, it is imperative to give some thought and prep time to you and your family’s shopping habits and the security that surrounds those habits. If you’re like most people, you will NOT be using cash for all your holiday purchases.

PSA: Beware of Exposing Ports in Docker

Docker is an awesome technology, and it’s prevalent in nearly every software developer’s workflow. It is useful for creating identical environments and sharing them between development, testing, production, and others. It’s a great way to ship a reliable software environment between systems or even to customers. However, like with any technology, one must know how to be secure when using it.

The "Great Cannon" Has Been Deployed Again

Summary The Great Cannon is a distributed denial of service tool (“DDoS”) that operates by injecting malicious Javascript into pages served from behind the Great Firewall. These scripts, potentially served to millions of users across the internet, hijack the users’ connections to make multiple requests against the targeted site. These requests consume all the resources of the targeted site, making it unavailable.