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Third-Party Risk Assessment Best Practices

Assessing the cybersecurity risk posed by third-party vendors and service providers is time-consuming, operationally complex, and often riddled with errors. You need to keep track of requests you send out, chase up vendors who haven't answered, and ensure that when they do they answer in a timely and accurate manner.

INETCO Insider: Combat the impact of COVID-19 on your payments business

As we head into Q3 of 2020, life is looking quite different for all of us around the world. With many governments beginning to implement plans to ease restrictions, economies are expected to slowly regain their footing. Even as brick and mortar businesses around the world gradually re-open, we will continue to see a trend towards contactless payments, digital banking, online orders and e-commerce.

What is AES Encryption and How it Works?

If your organization offers or needs cyber security solutions, you must have heard of the Advanced Encryption Standard before. In this article, we will take a closer look at AES and how it can be beneficial for your organization. The Advanced Encryption Standard (also known as Rijndael) is one of the most popular global encryption standards, that is why its acronym AES keeps coming up in almost every discussion related to cyber security.

Sumo Logic and NIST team up to secure energy sector IoT

The energy industry used to operate on a simple hub-and-spoke model, in which large power plants would produce energy in a centralized location and distribute it out to consumers. Yet as solar, wind, and other small-scale renewable energy sources take hold in the market, that hub-and-spoke model is being replaced by a complex grid of interconnected devices.

Online Sales Are Up! Ensure Your E-Commerce Platform is Not Being Used for Fraud

Even with tough economic times, e-commerce is up 25% since the beginning of March. But, fraud has increased as well; according to Malwarebytes online credit card skimming has increased by 26% in March alone. In our April “Staff Picks for Splunk Security Reading” blog post, I referenced a story about an e-commerce site getting hacked with a “virtual card skimmer” (thanks Matthew Joseff for sharing this with me).

COVID-19 Scam Roundup - May 11, 2020

Digital attacks continue to exploit coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) as part of their malicious operations. On May 5, 2020, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) along with the United Kingdom’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) published a joint alert in which they revealed that they had witnessed APT actors targeting local governments, academia and pharmaceutical companies.