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'Glitch' in Illinois' PUA System Blamed for Exposing SSNs, Private Data

Government officials said that a glitch in the State of Illinois’ Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program exposed thousands of people’s Social Security Numbers (SSNs) and other private data. Jordan Abudayyeh, a spokesperson for Illinois Governor J. B. Pritzer, sent a statement to WBEZ on May 16. In it, she revealed that the Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) had learned of a security incident involving its PUA program. As quoted by WBEZ.

Legal Risks and Recommendations for Employee Workplace Surveillance in the US

Monitoring employees is one way to ensure a productive and secure workflow within an organization. However, not all employees like being watched. Some even challenge the ethics and legality of workplace surveillance. In this article, we explore the nature of workplace surveillance and consider the laws US employers should know and follow if they want to monitor their employees.

Disruption on the horizon

Innovations in technology have been a prime agent for disruption throughout much of human history. Advancements in materials science gave English archers, with their superior longbows, the advantage over the French in many conflicts during the Hundred Years War; such as the Battle of Agincourt. In the late 2000’s, the music industry was forced to reinvent itself in the face of changing consumer consumption models as a result of technological advancements or become irrelevant.

Understanding Single Sign On as a Means of Identity Access Management

I usually spend my mornings doing some reading and enjoying my coffee. On this one particular morning, I noticed that I had received an email from a gaming company I had created an account with around 10 years ago for my kids. They had sent me a code to confirm a login that was being done from Thailand. I had forgotten that I had even created the account. The account used a set of my credentials that had been compromised many years ago in one of the many data breaches that occur on a continuous basis.

Why OPSEC Is For Everyone, Not Just For People With Something To Hide - Part III

In this final part of the series, I discuss why everyone should consider reviewing their OPSEC (Operations Security), not just those with something to hide. If you haven’t read the previous articles then please check them out first (Part I & Part II), as they provide key background information about the techniques discussed in this post.

Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems

It is no secret that humans make mistakes. In order to reduce the damages and harms caused by human error, cyber security is a must for industrial control systems. Keep reading to learn more. Unfortunately, humans make mistakes. There are many reasons behind this fact, such as the limited capacity of our working memory or our short attention span. Regardless of our experience, no matter how well trained we are, we all make mistakes, and it is okay. Mostly.

How important is network compliance for your remote work environment?

With a majority of the workforce now adopting a work-from-home routine, maintaining the normal functioning of your network and ensuring compliance with industry standards is not an easy job. When employees are working remotely, it is especially crucial to ensure network compliance with industry standards and internal policies to secure your network from cybersecurity breaches.

Everything you need to know about a DPO

In 2018, the world’s trust was shaken. That year, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had furtively harvested data left exposed by Facebook. The information of over 87 million individuals was exploited to assemble voter profiles and customise the distribution of political advertisements in the run up to the 2016 US Presidential Election as well as Brexit.