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Migrating from On-prem Proxies to the Cloud

Recently, a Fortune 500 customer asked us to migrate 5 million lines of URL policies into our cloud solution. This configuration included frequently used websites like,, and as well as hundreds of other URLs and domains that were no longer reachable or registered anymore. Our first question to the customer was, “Help us understand why you would want to do that?”, in the context of migrating their entire configuration.

Gift Cards Requested in Two-Thirds of BEC Attacks, Report Reveals

A report revealed that scammers requested funds in the form of gift cards in two-thirds of business email compromise (BEC) attacks. For a phishing trends report from the Anti-Phishing Working Group (APWG), APWG member Agari examined thousands of BEC attacks that occurred in the second half of 2020. It found that 66% of them involved gift cards. By contrast, direct bank transfers factored in just 18% of attacks, followed close behind by payroll diversions at 16%.

What are the Types of Reports on a SIEM Solution?

A Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) solution collects log data from numerous sources within your technical infrastructure. This acquisition and normalization of data at one single point facilitate centralized log management. It allows businesses to generate reports containing security information about their entire IT infrastructure. Reporting, out of many benefits of a SIEM solution, also helps businesses in fulfilling their documentation and compliance requirements.

Secure and monitor your containers on Bottlerocket from AWS

Sysdig is pleased to support AWS today in their GA launch of Bottlerocket, a special-purpose operating system designed for hosting Linux containers. Orchestrated container environments run potentially hundreds of compute nodes. Operating general-purpose Linux on container hosts introduces complexity for IT teams who must patch and update packages across their clusters. Worse, features and packages that are not necessary for running containers, introduce unnecessary security exposure.

Aviation cybersecurity: Hurdles of staying secure on the ground and at 36,000 feet

Digitization has made its way into every industry. With this shift comes many benefits as well as the risk of a cyber attack. This is especially true in aviation. No matter how securely companies can build networks to ward off cyber attacks, the risk is never absent. With planes operating thousands of feet off the ground — often full of commercial passengers — a digital attack can potentially cost lives as well as millions in damages.

SCM in Practice: How to Strengthen Your Organization's Security Processes

Security configuration management (SCM) involves maintaining a secure baseline configuration for an organization’s systems and monitoring those assets for deviations from that baseline. This fundamental control pairs well with other elements of an organization’s security strategy. As such, SCM enables security teams to harden their organization’s cloud workloads, industrial environments and other IT assets against digital threats.

What Is the EU Cybersecurity Act and What Does It Mean for US-Based Businesses?

During the previous weeks, we provided a thorough overview of the EU NIS Directive, focusing on the Operators of Essential Systems (OES), the Digital Service Providers (DSP) and the compliance frameworks. Our review of the EU cybersecurity policy and strategy would be incomplete without mentioning the EU Cybersecurity Act.

How Cyber Kill Chain Can Be Useful for a SOC Team? (Part 1)

The world is being digitalized more and more. The technological advancements both in terms of hardware and software are grabbing the attention of cyber criminals towards enterprises of each size (e.g., small, medium, and large). The attackers use a complete chain or number of stages to launch a cyber-attack. A Cyber Kill Chain defines all these potential stages and the SOC team can use them to identify, detect, prevent, and contain attack before it causes real damage to the organization.

Top Benefits of Using an Employee Time Tracking App

Did you know that you can use your employee time tracking app for more than digitizing worker timecards? Computer monitoring software with timekeeping capabilities is the ideal tool for maximizing company-wide productivity and profitability. Keep reading to learn about the benefits of using an employee time tracking app.

Use of Machine learning for pricing strategy in e-commerce and retail Industry

Pricing can be a thorny task. Pricing challenges and intense competition in ecommerce markets have shot up drastically in the emerging age of internet because of price transparency. There is always a cheaper alternative or a costlier alternative of almost everything you see on an e-commerce website. Any person with a high threshold of time would explore all the options before investing the money into something.