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Project Management Lessons Learned From Risk Management

While risk management can be draining, it offers crucial lessons that enable managers to implement projects efficiently. If you undertake a thorough risk analysis before any project, you'll identify all the gaps and create mitigation strategies. This way, you'll save time and resources.

What is Fourth Party Risk?

Every company outsources parts of its operations to multiple suppliers. Those suppliers, in turn, outsource their operations to other suppliers. This is fourth party risk. The risk to your company posed by suppliers' suppliers. Confusing, isn't it? The best way to frame it with a case study, so please read on! You help look after Information Security at a manufacturing company. Your company has got a policy for everything, including the policy to regularly maintain all the policies.

What is SPF filtering and how do I implement it?

People fall victim to internet scams, not because they're exceedingly credulous, but because scammer efforts are becoming more and more believable. Now, cybercriminals can leverage your hard-earned reputation by sending emails that appear to come from your business. Victims of this spoofing attack could suffer irrevocable reputation damage or get their IP address blacklisted, putting an instant end to all online business activities.

What is Egregor ransomware? The new threat of 2020

Since stepping into the cybercriminal arena in September 2020, the Egregor group has penetrated over 71 businesses globally, including recruitment giant Randstad and US retailer Kmart. But who is the Egregor group and how have they managed to rise up as a significant cyber threat in just a few short months? Egregor is a cybercriminal group specializing in a unique branch of ransomware attacks.

What is Netwalker ransomware? Attack methods & important defense tactics

Since ransomware was founded in 1996, many ransomware gangs have attempted and failed to quake the cybersecurity landscape. But some have broken through and even rearranged it with their obfuscatory cyberattack methods. Netwalker ransomware is an example of such a success. Within its first six months of operation, the ransomware gang received more than $25 million in ransom payments. What is Netwalker ransomware and why is it so lethal? To learn more, read on.

Full Stack Blues: Exploring Vulnerabilities In The MEAN Stack

Full stack development is all the rage these days, and for good reason: developers with both front-end web development skills and back-end/server coding prowess clearly offer substantially more value to their respective organizations. The ability to traverse the entire stack competently also makes interacting and cooperating with operations and security an easier affair—a key tenet of DevOps culture.

PSPs vs. OPA Gatekeeper: Breaking down your Kubernetes Pod security options

Organizations are increasingly turning to Kubernetes, but they’re having trouble balancing security in the process. In its State of Container and Kubernetes Security Fall 2020 survey, for instance, StackRox found that 91% of respondents were using Kubernetes to orchestrate their containers and that three quarters of organizations were using the open-source container-orchestration system in production.

A Closer Look at the Attempted Ransomware Attack on Tesla

Cybersecurity is in the news again with the disclosure that Tesla, working in conjunction with the FBI, prevented a ransomware attack from being launched at its Gigafactory in Nevada. The cybercriminals targeted Tesla through one of its employees, whom they allegedly promised to pay $1 million in order to help them infect the company’s system with malware.

Top 5 Criteria for Selecting a Managed Security Service Provider (MSSP)

Does your organization consider working with a MSSP? Don’t make a commitment before reading our article about how to choose the right MSSP for you! Regardless of the reason why you decide to work with an MSSP, you must be very careful and fastidious when selecting a MSSP for your organization. In this article, we will discuss what you need to consider before making a commitment.