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Penetration Testing

Penetration testing statistics, vulnerabilities and trends in 2023

The cyber-world is an ever-expanding network of digital systems and technologies that have revolutionized our lives and work. However, these advancements come with inherent vulnerabilities, making the cyber world an attractive target for cybercriminals. From data breaches to ransomware attacks, the list of cyber threats continues to grow.

How to Interpret and Respond to Penetration Testing Results

A Penetration Test can provide you with a wealth of information about the security of your systems and how vulnerable they are to attack. The results of a penetration test can help you understand where your weaknesses are and what needs to be done to fix them. These results are reviewed from low to critical to give you a clear understanding of how severe the vulnerability is.

Why Penetration Tests Alone Are Not Enough - The Importance of Tracking and Resolving Issues

Penetration tests are crucial to any organization's cybersecurity strategy, but they're not the whole story. Without a way of tracking and resolving the issues uncovered in these tests, they become nothing more than a snapshot in time. In the same way that software defect systems help organizations track and manage bugs, it's essential to have a system in place for measuring and addressing cybersecurity vulnerabilities. Whether deciding to fix the issue immediately or scheduling it for a future release, tracking and actioning findings is essential for staying ahead of potential threats.

Penetration Testing | Finding Skeletons Make You Stronger

Are you conducting regular penetration testing on your organization's security measures? If so, you might be missing out on a crucial step that could make you even stronger. In this video, cybersecurity expert Megan Brown shares her insights on why it's essential to proactively seek out and address any potential gaps in your security measures. As Megan explains, knowing where the bodies are - where the bones are buried - can help you identify areas of weakness and take action before they become a major issue. So why wait until it's too late?

Pen Testing: Passion or Profit?

In this video, we sit down with Jonathan Care, a renowned cybersecurity expert, to explore the question of whether or not money should be the primary motivation for pursuing a career in pen testing. Jonathan shares his insights on the importance of passion and the potential drawbacks of focusing solely on financial gain. Join us for a thought-provoking discussion on the role of money in the world of pen testing, and whether it should be a driving factor in your career decisions.

The Power of Continuous Penetration Testing

As organisations continue to become more reliant on technology, cyber security threats become more frequent and sophisticated. With more and more data being stored online, it’s crucial that organisations protect their systems and data from cyber attacks. Penetration testing is an effective way to identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in an organisation’s cyber security defences, but traditional penetration testing has limitations.

Why Penetration Testing is a Measure of Engineering Quality | Jonathan Care

Jonathan Care, a cybersecurity expert and analyst, explains why penetration testing is not just a compliance requirement, but a function of engineering quality. He challenges the traditional view of penetration testing as a separate activity and argues that it should be integrated into the development cycle. Watch this video to learn more about how security testing can help you improve your engineering solutions and reduce your risks.

Continuous Penetration Testing: discover the Razor's Edge platform from Razorthorn

Welcome to Razor's Edge, the Continuous Penetration Testing platform from Razorthorn Security. The essence of Razorthorn’s Next-Gen Continuous Pen Testing service, Razor’s Edge, is to help find vulnerabilities, verify them and perform base level exploitation to provide organisation-specific risk scores and mitigation advice to improve the overall security of an environment. We work to a schedule of scanning, testing and reporting defined by the client for the duration of the contract length.

A Snapshot in Time Why Penetration Testing Is Critical for Cybersecurity

When Megan Brown, Jonathan Care, and I explore the world of penetration testing, we uncover the missing links between the testing itself and having a secure organisation and patched vulnerabilities. In this episode, you will learn how to maximise the potential of your penetration tests and increase the depth of your organisation's cyber security.“Pen tests on their own don’t do anything if you don’t have a way of tracking the issues, resolving the issues.”