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Netskope and BeyondCorp Enterprise: The Power of Context

Do you know where your users are going on the Internet? Do you know what they’re doing on the public Internet? How are you protecting your enterprise and your users from their cloud activities? These simple questions belie complex problems that can keep security and compliance practitioners up at night. One of the related challenges that organizations face today is controlling access to corporate and private file sharing applications such as Google Drive, OneDrive, and Dropbox.

How to Prevent the Next Log4j Style Zero-Day Vulnerability

Software testing is notoriously hard. Search Google for CVEs caused by basic CRLF (newline character) issues and you’ll see thousands of entries. Humanity has been able to put a man on the moon, but it hasn’t yet found a proper way to handle line endings in text files. It’s those subtle corner cases that have a strong tendency of being overlooked by programmers.

Is your penetration testing weak? Catch hackers at your backdoor with Sumo Logic

If you are an application developer or security analyst, you likely spend a lot of time thinking about your customers’ security. IT operations teams have found many ways to help secure login portals by implementing dual authentication and Single-Sign-On (SSO) portals. Many IT organizations have learned to use SSO and Two Factor Authentication (2FA) to help secure their codebase and employee data. This method is great, assuming that all users are compliant with 2FA.

How Playbook Packs Drive Scalable Automation

No matter how advanced your Security Operations Center (SOC) is, pre-built Playbook Packs from Splunk can augment your analysts with automation that scales with your organization’s maturity. SplunkⓇ Enterprise Security (ES) users can achieve this scalable automation by using a pre-built Risk Notable Playbook Pack in Splunk SOAR.

5 Things to know about the UK's National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC)

The UK’s first cybersecurity strategy was launched in 2009 and outlined that whatever the shape of the cybersecurity mission, it made no sense to silo it away from other aspects of national security. To be effective, it had to be able to take advantage of high-grade intelligence and other security capabilities. The strategy outlined how the country needed to invest more in getting the public and private partnership really working.

Your social media account hasn't been hacked, it's been cloned!

A recent Facebook post from a family member made me realize that I needed to write about an overused term. A term, that when used, causes chaos and concern. I don’t blame the family member for using it, I’ve seen it used hundreds of times over the past few years and I’ve seen IT and cybersecurity professionals respond without correcting, even, on occasion, offering bad advice.

Vulnerability Remediation: A Practical Guide

To stay ahead of malicious attacks, developers and security teams must have a way to identify, prioritize, fix, and monitor vulnerabilities, a process known as vulnerability remediation. When it comes to detection, organizations can use a variety of application security testing (AST) tools to identify vulnerabilities in software applications and other systems.