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What is Cyber Insurance? Understanding the Basics

Cyber insurance (also cyber liability insurance coverage or cyber risk insurance) is a type of insurance policy that helps organizations cover financial damages related to cyber attacks or data breaches. Cyber insurance is especially important as the cost of a data breach continues to rise, and the amount of cyber attacks is higher than ever.

Supply Chain Security for Open Source: Pyrsia at CD Summit and KubeCon 2022

I was super excited to be at Kubecon+CloudNativeCon this year. Kubecon has managed to build a great community that goes beyond Kubernetes and has been a good catalyst in bringing together people passionate about OpenSource. Kubecon also has attracted a lot of interest due to the quality of sessions, the number of co-located events, and the opportunity to connect with peers, partners and friends.

What is a SOC 2 readiness assessment?

A SOC 2 readiness assessment is a final look at your organization’s documents, policies, processes, and vulnerabilities before your formal audit takes place. This is a crucial phase of SOC 2 compliance because your auditor will be using these materials in depth to assess your control environment. ‍ A SOC 2 readiness assessment provides answers to questions such as: ‍ ‍ Before we dive deeper into readiness assessments, here’s a quick primer on SOC 2 audits.

Remember, Remember: What Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plot Can Teach Us About Modern Cyber Attacks

10 years ago I moved to the UK and made it my home, and I love living here. I like Marmite, debates over whether the evening meal is dinner, tea, or supper, the constant requirement to remark upon the weather… and the many bizarre traditions. One of these bizarre traditions is Bonfire Night, celebrated on 5th November each year to commemorate the Gunpowder Plot when a bunch of conspirators (including a man called Guy Fawkes) tried to blow up Parliament and King James.

Avoiding a false sense of security

Cyber threat detection and response is a well-established area of cyber security, with a multitude of product and service types and definitions. Yet rather than make it easier for organisations to identify what they need, this often contributes to industry noise and hype, creating a marketplace that can be challenging to navigate for buyers who are uncertain of what they need, or why they need it.

ThreatQuotient Publishes 2022 State of Cybersecurity Automation Adoption Research Report

Survey results highlight which automation use cases are working, which need more focus, and how senior cybersecurity professionals are approaching the challenge of securing the extended enterprise.
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When to Automate and When Not to Automate

Everyone loves automation, and it can be easy to assume that the more you automate, the better. Indeed, falling short of achieving fully autonomous processes can feel like a defeat. If you don't automate completely, you're the one falling behind, right? Well, not exactly. Although automation is, in general, a good thing, there is such a thing as too much automation. And blindly striving to automate everything under the sun is not necessarily the best strategy. Instead, you should be strategic about what you do and don't automate.

Global File Sharing's Future Relies on Partnership and Collaboration

When it comes to the future of global file sharing, customers and vendors of these solutions must work together to develop the ideal solution for each user’s unique needs. Indeed, buyers are often looking for more than the features and benefits of global file systems - they want solutions to their most pressing business problems. How will global file sharing solutions keep up?