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Everything you need to know about a DPO

In 2018, the world’s trust was shaken. That year, it was revealed that Cambridge Analytica had furtively harvested data left exposed by Facebook. The information of over 87 million individuals was exploited to assemble voter profiles and customise the distribution of political advertisements in the run up to the 2016 US Presidential Election as well as Brexit.

How important is network compliance for your remote work environment?

With a majority of the workforce now adopting a work-from-home routine, maintaining the normal functioning of your network and ensuring compliance with industry standards is not an easy job. When employees are working remotely, it is especially crucial to ensure network compliance with industry standards and internal policies to secure your network from cybersecurity breaches.

Cyber Security for Industrial Control Systems

It is no secret that humans make mistakes. In order to reduce the damages and harms caused by human error, cyber security is a must for industrial control systems. Keep reading to learn more. Unfortunately, humans make mistakes. There are many reasons behind this fact, such as the limited capacity of our working memory or our short attention span. Regardless of our experience, no matter how well trained we are, we all make mistakes, and it is okay. Mostly.

Detecting, Reporting and Mitigating Vulnerabilities for Go Modules

Go Module vulnerabilities frustrate the lives of many Go developers and can turn a simple project into a battle of endurance between the dev and their patience. With the process of CI/CD shifting left more and more, it’s becoming even more pertinent for developers to be able to track and report vulnerabilities as early as possible. JFrog GoCenter can help track and mitigate vulnerabilities and make the lives of Go developers easier.

The importance and security concerns of staying connected during the COVID-19 pandemic

Unsplash The COVID-19 pandemic sweeping the globe has effectively put a stop to the bulk of face-to-face interactions. With social distancing and shelter in place orders in effect, people are stuck at home and relying on the Internet as not only a tool for communication and entertainment but as their only way to earn money during this hectic and uncertain time.

Gartner 2020 Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing: Key Takeaways

The Gartner Magic Quadrant for Application Security Testing 2020 reports a 50% increase in the number of their end-user client conversations about DevSecOps and AST (Application Security Testing) tools, in 2019. According to the report, users continue to adopt DevOps methods like integrating security into the software development lifecycle from the earliest stages of development.

How implementing a BYOD initiative helps prepare remote workers for COVID-19 era challenges

As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to force employees to work from home, businesses are facing new and unique challenges to ensure business continuity. When remote work is mandated due to COVID-19, the transition isn’t smooth for many businesses; not every business has the infrastructure to make the abrupt shift, even given the immediate need to go remote.

Email, security, and breaches

Email-based attacks can take many forms, and are typically deployed by cybercriminals in order to extort ransom or leak sensitive data. Just recently, a banking Trojan named Trickbot targeted Italy, a hotspot for COVID-19 cases, with email spam campaigns. While the email subject line is in line with the daily concerns and talks about spread of the virus, the attachment was actually a malicious script.

Profiling "VIP Accounts" Part 1

Detecting malicious activity is rarely easy, but some attacker methods are more challenging to detect than others. One of the most vexing techniques to counter is credential theft. Attackers that gain control over a user account have access to the assets of that user. If the credentials are for an account with special privileges, like a system administrator, then the attacker may be able to gain access to system-wide resources and even be able to change logs to cover their tracks.