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Secure Remote Access: Why It's Important and How to Do It Right

COVID-19 forced organizations all over the world to transition their employees to a work-from-home policy. That change came at a time when organizations’ connected infrastructure is more complex than ever. Such complexity doesn’t just extend across IT environments, either. Indeed, machines and production processes are also becoming increasingly complex as organizations with OT environments seek to address the challenges of the 21st century.

Network Security Audit Checklist

Every company that uses computers and the Internet should be concerned about information security and particularly, network security. The number of threats each company faces is growing every day. Whether it’s SPAM, malware, spyware, phishing or virus threats or users who walk out the door with proprietary information or sensitive data, the threat and risks are potentially damaging and costly for that company.

Digital signatures security explained

Digital signatures have been around for decades, but recent events have put them back in the spotlight. They were heralded as the future of cybersecurity as far back as 1999, but in the intervening years came to be somewhat taken for granted by security engineers. Not any longer: the massive move to home working precipitated by the Covid-19 pandemic have forced many to take a fresh look at the value of digital signatures, why they matter, and their relationship to encryption.

New Data Reveals How AppSec Is Adapting to New Development Realities

In today’s fast-paced world, companies are racing to bring new, innovative software to market first. In order to keep up with the speed of innovation, many organizations are shifting toward DevSecOps. DevSecOps brings security to the front of the software development lifecycle, allowing for both fast deployments and secure applications.

Man vs. Machine: Three-Part Virtual Series on the Human Element of AppSec

In 2011 when IBM’s Watson supercomputer went up against ‘Jeopardy’ icon Ken Jennings, the world watched as a battle of man vs. machine concluded in an impressive win for Watson. It wasn’t simply remarkable that Watson could complete calculations and source documents quickly; the real feat was the brainpower it took to create fine-tuned software with the ability to comprehend questions contextually and think like a human.

How Better Planning Can Save Your Business From A Data Breach

2019 was the worst year on record for data breaches by a long shot, increasing by nearly 79% from 2018. Billions of records were compromised as bad actors exploited vulnerabilities and insiders accidentally and maliciously compromised customer and company data. Unfortunately, the record won’t last long. As we approach the halfway point in 2020, this year is already on pace to be the most devastating year ever for data breaches.

The Biggest Challenges and Best Practices to Mitigate Risks in Maritime Cybersecurity

Ships are increasingly using systems that rely on digitalization, integration, and automation, which call for cyber risk management on board. As technology continues to develop, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) onboard ships and their connection to the Internet creates an increased attack surface that needs to be addressed.

Secure remote access explained

As the business world adjusts to the chaotic landscape of today’s economy, securing access from remote devices and endpoints has never been more critical. Equally critical is the requirement for organizations and their employees to practice good security hygiene. With the rising number of endpoints (laptops, servers, tablets, smartphones) requiring access to corporate networks, the range of attackable targets for malicious actors has broadened substantially.

Why is Dynamic Analysis an Important Part of Your AppSec Mix?

By now, most are familiar with the concept of DevSecOps. With DevSecOps, application security (AppSec) is moved to the beginning of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). By scanning earlier in the SDLC, you are able to find and fix flaws earlier. This can result in significant time and cost savings. Most organizations understand the importance of static analysis, which scans for flaws during development, but dynamic application security testing (DAST) is just as important.