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How to Build Cyber Security Awareness Among Employees?

According to a PwC poll, the epidemic has increased the number of employees working from home to almost 70%. Remote working, however, has its own set of risks. Companies are vulnerable to a host of network attacks because of employee-owned devices, insecure connections, and inappropriate device usage. That is where cybersecurity awareness training for employees comes into the picture and plays a key role in preventing cyber attacks.

What Are the Benefits of Investing in Cloud Storage Security?

As more and more businesses and individuals choose to store their data online, ensuring the safety of information is becoming exceptionally crucial. According to recent statistics from the Hosting Tribunal, over 95% of IT professionals use cloud storage. This number is expected to grow steadily.

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What is Penetration Testing?

A Penetration Test commonly consists of assessing; the confidentiality, integrity and availability of an information system, widely known as the CIA triad. There are numerous penetration testing approaches. This can include black-box testing, white-box testing and grey-box testing which all, in turn, provide remediation advice. However, the three types of testing define different approaches the consultant takes during an assessment and all have different benefits and disadvantages.

vCISOs Explained: The Benefits and Drawbacks

An increasing number of modern security conscious companies have Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) on the payroll to help them manage their environment from increasingly sophisticated cyber threats. Unfortunately, many other organizations are not currently able to employ a full time CISO. This can be related to a series of contributing factors including a lack of necessary budget, competing priorities, or unfilled vacancies due to a shortage of qualified candidates.

Understanding The HIPAA Breach Notification Rule

HIPAA requires covered entities and business associates to secure protected health information (PHI). Failing to do so can result in steep fines and penalties. Some PHI breaches, however, are out of the organization’s control. Determined hackers can expose PHI, and employees can make mistakes — they’re only human, Despite training, rigorous security protocols, and constant monitoring, data breaches can happen.

6 Steps to Defend Against Advanced Persistent Threats

The cybersecurity community uses the term Advanced Persistent Threats to refer to threats that have extremely long persistence on a particular target—often lurking inside a target system for years. Their targets can include government agencies (at all levels), including contractors and suppliers far down the supply chain. Due to their passive nature, you may not even realize that your organization is a target for an APT. In fact, your infrastructure may already be infiltrated.

How to Prevent Whaling Attacks: A Complete Guide

Senior-level executives handle sensitive data and information daily – making them an enticing target for cybercriminals. One of the most complex schemes to date is the whaling attack, in which hackers impersonate high-ranking employees to gain access to computer systems and networks. Whaling attacks have seen a dramatic 131% increase between Q1 2020 and Q1 2021, costing enterprises around $1.8 billion in damages.

What is a software bill of materials?

With a software Bill of Materials (SBOM), you can respond quickly to the security, license, and operational risks that come with open source use. A software Bill of Materials (SBOM) is a list of all the open source and third-party components present in a codebase. An SBOM also lists the licenses that govern those components, the versions of the components used in the codebase, and their patch status, which allows security teams to quickly identify any associated security or license risks.

Do You Know Where Your Data Is... And Where it is Going?

Considering the forensic-level attention to data residency that was paid in the early days of cloud, it’s interesting how little regard is now given to the matter. Explaining the many pitfalls of certain data residency challenges to fellow CISOs (and key stakeholders) and why real-time visualisations of data flow matter, is often an interesting exercise.