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IoT and the GDPR - How to stay compliant

Businesses that incorporate Internet of Things (IoT) into their daily operations have rarely, if ever, had access to so many resources to help improve your customer reach, collect more personal data and reduce your internal operational expenses due to IoT automation. IoT devices are ubiquitous, and as technology advances, so does the invention and use of connected devices within workplaces and our homes.

Is cybersecurity sales culture bad for cybersecurity?

The market for cybersecurity solutions is changing, but the way vendors sell security products seems stuck in the past. There’s a lot that can be said about this, but here we want to raise an issue that isn’t talked about enough: Is cybersecurity sales culture, itself, bad for cybersecurity?

What is Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM)?

Businesses are moving their data to the cloud to reduce costs and increase their agility. As more applications and data migrate to the cloud, the risk of sensitive data and applications being exposed dramatically increases. In addition, as organizations deploy applications and services in different cloud environments, maintaining security and compliance across the board is becoming more complex than ever before.

How to Secure Online Video Gaming from The Biggest Cyber Threats in 2022

Imagine, you are in the middle of a heated battle and are almost ready to claim the victory over your virtual opponent when you see a note on the screen: “We are experiencing a DDoS attack which may result in disconnections for some players.” Now?

Threat Update: Industroyer2

The Splunk Threat Research Team (STRT) continues to monitor new relevant payloads to the ongoing conflict in Eastern Europe. One of these new payloads was found by the Ukranian CERT named “Industroyer2.” The name of this new payload references the original "Industroyer" malicious payload used against the country of Ukraine's power grid in 2016 and allegedly was able to affect a fifth of the power capacity of the city of Kyiv.

Developer empowerment for software security with Snyk IDE plugins

For application security, the shift left strategy is something that every enterprise is embracing today, which essentially means putting the security controls in earlier stages of development. This is more like a “nipping the problem in the bud” strategy where the security controls in their respective domains highlight the potential security weaknesses related to vulnerabilities in code, vulnerabilities in third-party packages and code quality issues.

0-Days are on the Rise and that Means a Lot More Work for SOC Teams

In a recent report by the incident response giant Mandiant, which was purchased by Google in March, their researchers found that 2021 was a record year for the total number of 0-day vulnerabilities disclosed and exploited. According to their findings, their team identified some 80 0-days exploited in the wild. At the same time, Google Project Zero researchers reported the detection and disclosure of 58 0-days.

11 Questions You Should Ask About Your Cloud Security

The world is becoming more digital with each passing day. Many companies are trying to transition to an online or to a hybrid system, where they can offer flexibility and autonomy to employees and have a more efficient way of managing their day-to-day operations. The digital transformation to the online world requires businesses to invest in cloud computing and cloud security software.