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Introducing UpGuard's DPDP Act Security Questionnaire

In an era where data breaches and privacy concerns dominate headlines, regulatory frameworks like India’s Digital Personal Data Protection Act, 2023 (DPDP) have become indispensable. The DPDP Act safeguards the privacy of individuals by regulating how organizations operating in India can collect, process, and store personal data. Landmark regulations like the DPDP Act are essential for enhancing data security.

Telegram Changes Privacy Policy, Agrees to Share User Data for Criminal Investigations

In a significant shift in its privacy policy, the messaging platform Telegram has announced that it will start sharing user data with authorities to aid in criminal investigations. Known for its strict stance on user privacy, this policy reversal marks a notable departure from the company's past operations. The platform, once regarded as a haven for privacy-conscious users, is now responding to increasing concerns over the use of Telegram by cybercriminals and other bad actors.

Navigating the Privacy Paradox: How Organizations Can Secure Customer Data While Ensuring Convenience

Privacy and convenience have always been at odds, especially regarding digital onboarding or online sign-ups. For modern organizations, striking a balance between the two has become increasingly important. At the same time, a recent report said 53% of customers suggest that they would give up their interaction with a brand if it took longer than two minutes, while as many as 87% expect basic levels of privacy to be met.

A Quick Guide to Today's Cybersecurity Landscape

The world can be just as much of a marvelous place, as it can be a dangerous one. And the same can be said about the online one, where you need to focus on your safety just as much but in a different way. For those wondering how to approach this, make sure to keep reading as we’ll be covering everything you need to know about cybersecurity.

Top 10 Fraud Protection Services

Fraud isn’t just evolving- it’s exploding. What once involved old-fashioned pickpockets and stolen wallets is now a digital battlefield. And scammers are getting increasingly creative, too. From sophisticated cloned websites to deceptive phishing schemes, they are making it substantially harder for businesses to protect themselves and their customers.

Announcing "Crafting Secure Software," GitGuardian's Guide to Security by Design!

Exciting news! Our first book, "Crafting Secure Software," is now available. Learn how to embed security throughout the SDLC, mitigate risks, and foster a security culture. Get your copy today and level up your software security game!

Sergey Tokarev: STEM is FEM's Outcomes last year

Initially, the STEM is FEM education project was launched to encourage young schoolgirls to learn STEM disciplines. It was a step in to break gender inequity having a place in the IT sector for a long time. However, the STEM is FEM initiative has extended its objective to engage the project participants in the post-war reconstruction of devastated Ukrainian cities. Sergey Tokarev, the IT entrepreneur and initiator of STEM is FEM, shared the outcomes of implementing the educational course "Urbanism."

Why educational institutions need robust cybersecurity solutions

Technology has been an integral part of the education industry, even before the onset of the pandemic. However, the shift from traditional classrooms to online courses, virtual classrooms, and digital textbooks has taken place at a rapid pace since 2020. This transition to the digital world has widened opportunities, but it has also opened avenues for cyberattacks and compliance violations.