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2003 Testimony to Congress Proves That We Still Have a Long Way to Go In Building Secure Software

Back in May 1998, as a member of the hacker think tank, L0pht, I testified under my hacker name, Weld Pond, in front of a U.S. Senate committee investigating government cybersecurity. It was a novel event. Hackers, testifying under their hacker names, telling the U.S. government how the world of cybersecurity really was from those down in the computer underground trenches.

8 Benefits of Implementing a Zero Trust Architecture

Offers threat protection against both internal and external threats– External threats or hackers act from outside the organization and have to overcome the external security defense system to have access to the organization’s data. Malware, Phishing, DDoS attacks, ransomware, Trojan, worm, etc. are some of the methods used by hackers to gain entry into the organization’s corporate network. Unlike external threats, internal ones are usually hard to detect.

Federal Effort to Improve Cybersecurity Prioritizes Log Management

In May, President Biden issued an executive order designed to improve cybersecurity in the federal government and, by extension, the nation. Recently, details have started to come out about what this much-needed effort will involve. The latest development is a memorandum from the Office of Management and Budget that focuses on data log collection and analysis.

Without MFA organizations won't get coverage

Recent cybersecurity incidents and ransomware attacks are driving companies to apply for cyber insurance. Meanwhile, over the last 12 months the rate of ransomware attacks has skyrocketed in both frequency and severity, driving significant changes in the cyber insurance marketplace. In years prior, cyber insurance submissions were simple and it was easy to obtain bindable quotes from multiple vendors.

Strengthen your cloud security posture with Azure Sentinel

Scalable, cloud-native solutions like Azure Sentinel help security teams streamline security operations in cloud environments. In this first of a two-part blog series, we explore the challenges businesses face when detecting and responding to cyber threats and attacks, and how these challenges can be addressed by leveraging Microsoft Azure Sentinel.

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Dev-first SAST: Increase your developer productivity while staying secure

Static application security testing (or SAST) used to be a term coined by the security team, to help developers test their code early in the software development life cycle (SDLC). Unlike dynamic testing, it does not require a working application, which allows developers to identify security vulnerabilities while they code, so they can spot them as soon as they appear and fix them when it's easiest and fastest to do so. This cuts down their future workload by decreasing the backlog of issues they'll have to address later.

How Kaseya fell victim to a ransomware attack

On July 2, 2021, the cybersecurity world woke up to yet another ransomware attack—this time, the victim was Kaseya, a software enterprise that provides IT management solutions predominantly to managed service providers (MSPs). The attack made a huge impact, affecting several MSPs and thousands of their customers. So, what exactly transpired in what most cybersecurity experts are calling the largest criminal ransomware attack on record?

Best Practices for Trusted Third-Party Risk Management

Third parties are a necessary part of your enterprise. They are your vendors, your suppliers, your contractors, and your partners. Without them, you can’t do business. Third parties provide cloud services, store sensitive data, and provide other important services. Unfortunately, third parties are also a major source of cyber risk. Cybercriminals often target third-party providers to target their clients’ data and networks, such as the notorious SolarWinds breach at the end of 2020.