Norton Healthcare consists of over 430 locations between Kentucky and Indiana. The clinics meet over two million a year, including adult and pediatric patients. The hospital offers one of the largest not-for-profit healthcare systems in the region and employs over 25,000 faculty members. Norton Healthcare is a community powerhouse in the region; this makes their announcement of a data breach all the more disturbing.
Cyber security pen testing can vary widely, covering applications, wireless, network services and physical assets. These could include internal and external infrastructure testing, web or mobile application testing, API testing, cloud and network configuration reviews, social engineering and even physical security testing.
Today, businesses are increasingly relying on digital technologies to streamline operations and deliver seamless service. A continuously monitored, robust network infrastructure using NPM tools, like OpManager, is critical to ensure business continuity. OpManager, with its advanced AI and ML features, is capable of offering in-depth insights into visibility, network performance, and proactively notifying you of network faults.