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Data Breach: What Is a Data Breach and How to Prevent One

A data breach is a security incident where sensitive, protected confidential information is copied, transmitted, viewed, stolen or used by a person or persons with unauthorized access. Data breaches can involve financial information like credit card numbers or bank account details, personal health information (PHI), personally identifiable information (PII), trade secrets or intellectual property.

More than a million people have their biometric data exposed in massive security breach

A biometrics system used to secure more than 1.5 million locations around the world – including banks, police forces, and defence companies in the United States, UK, India, Japan, and the UAE – has suffered a major data breach, exposing a huge number of records. South Korean firm Suprema runs the web-based biometric access platform BioStar 2, but left the fingerprints and facial recognition data of more than one million people exposed on a publicly accessible database.

IoT Devices - Why Risk Assessment is Critical to Cybersecurity

As technology continues to pervade modern-day society, security and trust have become significant concerns. This is particularly due to the plethora of cyber attacks that target organizations, governments and society. The traditional approach to address such challenges has been to conduct cybersecurity risk assessments that seek to identify critical assets, the threats they face, the likelihood of a successful attack and the harm that may be caused.

3 ways to mitigate data manipulation risk in drug development

Introduction Developing new drugs is an expensive, time-consuming endeavor. A critical output of the drug development process, besides the compound itself, is data. As you may have read recently, Zolgensma™ re-surfaced in the press because of supposed data manipulation in a specific animal testing procedure. Needless to say, this is a big deal.

Entity extraction for threat intelligence collection

This research project is part of my Master’s program at the University of San Francisco, where I collaborated with the AT&T Alien Labs team. I would like to share a new approach to automate the extraction of key details from cybersecurity documents. The goal is to extract entities such as country of origin, industry targeted, and malware name. The data is obtained from the AlienVault Open Threat Exchange (OTX) platform: Figure 1: The website

Multi-Cloud Security Myths

As multi-cloud architectures grow in popularity, more and more organizations will start asking how to secure multi-cloud environments. Some will conclude that a multi-cloud architecture requires a fundamentally different approach to cloud security. That’s one example of a myth about cloud security in a multi-cloud architecture. Let’s take a look at why this assumption is flawed, along with some other common myths about multi-cloud security.

Protecting your home from physical and cyber attacks

By 2025, it is estimated that there will be over 64 billion IoT devices around the world, with an increasing number being used around the home by mainstream consumers. Although these devices offer convenience and ease, homeowners need to be responsible for ensuring their security and safe upkeep. In the same way that homeowners add security systems to protect the physical aspects of a property, taking steps to improve the security of IoT devices will keep connected smart systems safe from attack.