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Why is Dynamic Analysis an Important Part of Your AppSec Mix?

By now, most are familiar with the concept of DevSecOps. With DevSecOps, application security (AppSec) is moved to the beginning of the software development lifecycle (SDLC). By scanning earlier in the SDLC, you are able to find and fix flaws earlier. This can result in significant time and cost savings. Most organizations understand the importance of static analysis, which scans for flaws during development, but dynamic application security testing (DAST) is just as important.

What is Corporate Espionage?

The term “espionage” often brings images of double agents and covert undercover missions to mind. This is how espionage is depicted in the movies, but in real life, it can take on many other forms. Businesses may not need to worry about James Bond spying on their company, but they should be concerned about corporate espionage. Corporate espionage, often referred to as industrial espionage, is the practice of spying for financial or commercial gain.

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The ISO 9000 Family As It Relates To Operations

In a world where customers gravitate towards the best products and services, upholding high levels of quality as a business is a no-brainer. Being quality-centric in all your business processes ensures you can steer away from common errors. It can also improve your overall productivity as well as improve your customer retention rates. While there are various standards you can follow to improve the quality of your daily operations, the ISO 9000 standard remains to be one of the best. Even better, it is recognized globally, which could make it easier to do business the world over. The ISO 9000 family consists of five standards.

Unfolding the Twitter security incident

In case 2020 wasn’t dystopian enough, here’s some more unbelievable news. On July 15, 2020, social media giant Twitter admitted it fell victim to a security breach. The attackers targetted 130 Twitter accounts, including several belonging to high-profile individuals such as elected officials; former president Barack Obama; and business leaders including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, and Elon Musk.

Finding problems that matter

See their previous blog for more! Towards the end of the 19th century, large cities like New York were facing a vexing problem so devastating that many questioned whether such cities could be sustained at all. People could no longer cross the street without assistance, stumbling was a common problem, disease was spreading, and even those issues had nothing on the horrendous stench emanating from every corner. We are talking, of course, about horse manure.

Dynamic Application Security Testing: DAST Basics

Application security testing (AST), which are tools that automate the testing, analyzing, and reporting of security vulnerabilities, is an indispensable part of software development. In a modern DevOps framework where security is shifted left, AST should be thought of as compulsory. And this has never been more important when you consider that Forrester reports the most common external attack method continues to be application weaknesses and software vulnerabilities.

Announcing Veracode Security Labs Community Edition

We recently partnered with Enterprise Strategy Group (ESG) to survey software development and security professionals about modern application development and how applications are tested for security. The soon-to-be-announced survey found that 53% of organizations provide security training for developers less than once a year, which is woefully inadequate for the rapid pace of change in software development.

FBI Releases Flash Alert on Netwalker Ransomware

The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) released a flash alert in which it warned organizations about the dangers of Netwalker ransomware. On July 28, the FBI revealed in Flash Alert MI-000130-MW that it had received notifications of attacks involving Netwalker against U.S. and foreign government organizations along with entities operating in the healthcare and education sectors.

Cybersecurity Baseline for IoT Device Manufacturers

The pervasive impact of Internet of Things (IoT) devices on our lives is greater than that of traditional IT devices. There are several unknowns in IoT security, and it raises concerns for customers who are looking to incorporate IoT devices in their existing infrastructure. Fortunately, security by design can resolve some of the major root causes of the underlying vulnerabilities in these connected devices.

Suspicious Activity Monitoring: Reducing the strain of false positives in real-time

The COVID-19 Pandemic has enabled contactless payment volumes to increase quicker than previously projected. According to Juniper research, contactless payments will triple to $6 trillion worldwide by 2024, up from about $2 trillion in 2020, as the amount of mobile wallet transactions increase and banks expand the use of contactless cards.