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Biden's Cybersecurity Executive Order Focuses on Supply Chain Attacks

“The United States faces persistent and increasingly sophisticated malicious cyber campaigns that threaten the public sector, the private sector, and ultimately the American people’s security and privacy. The Federal Government must improve its efforts to identify, deter, protect against, detect, and respond to these actions and actors.”

Avaddon Ransomware Attack Hits AXA Philippines, Malaysia, Thailand and Hong Kong

The AXA Group has been targeted by Ransomware and the threat actors have publicly announced this incident. AXA Group’s IT Operations were affected regionally in the Philippines, Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong. The hostaged data, amounting to approximately 3 terabytes, consisted of customers’ personally identifiable information, health records, medical claims, patients’ personal health conditions, photos of IDs and passports, bank documents, and hospital invoices.

Does Your Threat Intelligence Solution Have These Essential Features?

Threat intelligence solutions provide security teams with critical context on cybersecurity vulnerabilities and the threat actors seeking to exploit them. This helps organizations to respond proactively and efficiently to threats. Yet while all threat intelligence tools offer the core feature of basic information about cybersecurity threats, they vary significantly in the ways they make available that data.

Testing for PHP Composer security vulnerabilities with Snyk

PHP is used extensively to power websites. From blogging to ecommerce, it’s embedded in our everyday lives and powers much of the internet we use today. According to a Wappalyzer report on top programming languages of 2020, PHP has a 79% market share of backend languages used on the internet today. One of the biggest challenges with PHP libraries over the years has been package management. There have been a few ways to easily install and maintain libraries including PECL, CPAN.

The Right Steps to SASE: Understand Where You're Going

When undertaking a new project, the need to deliver quantifiable results today (or at least very quickly!) is a significant challenge facing a CIO, CISO, or anyone with high-level responsibility for enterprise networking and security. Unlike typical IT projects where long development cycles may be tolerated, security must demonstrate value right away and deliver quick wins. Vulnerability is scary.

Live From RSAC: Is Digital Transformation Making AppSec Headless?

Chris Wysopal, Veracode Co-Founder and CTO, recently sat down with Tom Field, ISMG Senior Vice President of Editorial, for an executive interview at the RSA Conference 2021 to discuss if digital transformations are making application security (AppSec) “headless.”

Live From RSAC: AppSec's Future and the Rise of the Chief Product Security Officer

Chris Wysopal, Co-Founder and CTO at Veracode, and Joshua Corman, Chief Strategist of Healthcare and COVID at CISA, presented at the 2021 RSA Conference on AppSec’s future and the need for a new Chief Product Security Officer (CPSO) role. Wysopal started by quoting entrepreneur Marc Andreessen saying, “Software is eating the world,” to express just how much we rely on technology. From our iPhones and laptops to our cars and even our refrigerators … software is everywhere.

What is API Security and how to protect them

APIs are a key part of modern web application development transforming how organizations build, manage, and scale their web and mobile services. In this blog we discuss why APIs are the new web application security, highlighting the growing challenges of API security risks and sharing best practices for preventing API attacks.