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The Top 10 Highest Paying Jobs in Information Security - Part 1

Want a job in cybersecurity? There are plenty to go around. Cybersecurity Ventures estimated that there will be 3.5 million job openings in the industry by the end of the year. That makes sense. According to Gartner , global spending on information security and risk management technology is expected to exceed$150 billion in 2021. Organizations are going to need someone to help them manage those new solutions. The issue is that information security is an expansive industry.

RDA Addresses Top 5 Enterprise IT Challenges faced by CXO/IT Leaders

Robotic data automation (RDA) is designed to optimize IT functions for a broad spectrum. It is the next generation data automation technology that is specifically designed to bring efficiencies to multiple IT functions including CXO/IT leaders decision making, IT Ops, Helpdesk,, ServiceNow and other applications used by enterprises.

Six data protection tips for healthcare organisations

Healthcare providers collect, process and share citizens’ most highly sensitive personal data – from names, dates of birth and contact details, to medical and financial information. The loss of this data by healthcare organisations can cause significant emotional distress to patients if private medical conditions are disclosed, and also make them more vulnerable to identity theft, fraud and further cyberattacks.

Turn your employees into security assets against hackers

I want to talk to you about Peter. He’s a new hire at your company, having joined a couple of days ago. He can just about remember the names of his teammates. The HR Manager has told him to look out for an email so that he can create an account on the company’s employee portal. As expected, he receives an email and clicks on the link provided to enter his credentials.

Complete Content Lifecycle Management in a Single Place

Egnyte’s content lifecycle management solution gives customers full control and flexibility over content at all stages of its lifecycle, from migration of data into Egnyte to managing retention, archival and deletion, and end of life content. Unlike point solutions, Egnyte provides a robust product suite that addresses consolidation of content across repositories, management of content within Egnyte, and content that should be archived. Here's a quick recap of what’s included.

5 Types of Social Engineering Attacks and How to Mitigate Them

Social engineering is a type of cyber attack that targets people to gain access to buildings, systems, or data. Social engineering attacks exploit human vulnerabilities to get inside a company’s IT system, for instance, and access its valuable information. Social engineering is one of the most common— and successful— forms of cyber attack. Social engineering attacks are constantly evolving, but they generally follow five main approaches.

7 Indicators of Compromise: The Essential List for Breach Detection

Indicators of compromise are the red flags of the information security world. These helpful warnings allow trained professionals to recognize when a system may be under attack or if the attack has already taken place, providing a way to respond to protect information from extraction. There are many indicators of compromise, depending on the type of threat.

How to protect your secrets with Spectral and JFrog Pipelines

Thousands of secrets leak daily on public git repositories, including over two million corporate secrets in 2020 alone. This can happen to anyone! For example, in January 2021, an Amazon cloud engineer accidentally committed almost a gigabyte worth of sensitive data that included their own personal documents, as well as passwords and cryptographic keys to various AWS environments on his personal GitHub repository.