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5 Genuine Reasons - Why Mergers & Acquisitions Need Virtual Data Rooms

Virtual data rooms (VDRs) are revolutionizing merger and acquisition operations. They enable all parties involved - buyers, sellers, and intermediaries - to access, exchange, and analyze large amounts of information quickly and efficiently. This not only speeds up the transaction process but also increases its overall value. All transaction participants have access to a secure place to request, share, organize, and store thousands of confidential documents when using a virtual M&A data room.

Safeguarding Sensitive Data in the Age of AI: Tips for Using ChatGPT and Similar Generative AI Tools

Learn key strategies for protecting sensitive data when using ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. Discover best practices for compliance, access control, and system updates to ensure data security.

Outpost24 Launches AI Domain Discovery in External Attack Surface Management

Outpost24 is pleased to announce the integration of a new Artificial Intelligence (AI) assistant into its Exposure Management Platform. This groundbreaking AI Domain Discovery feature enables Outpost24 customers to effortlessly identify domains belonging to their organization, significantly improving the speed and accuracy of domain ownership and classification.

Dark web monitoring as your early warning system for insider threats

According to the 2023 Insider Threat Report by Cybersecurity Insiders, 74% of organizations are at least moderately vulnerable to insider threats. This statistic underscores a critical issue: Insider threats are notoriously difficult to detect because they originate from individuals with authorized access and intimate knowledge of your systems. While traditional security measures focus on external threats, they often fall short when it comes to spotting insider threats.

Knowing your Enemy: Situational Awareness in Cyber Defenses

Most homeowners know that a lock is a good idea as a basic defense against invaders, and leaving the front door unlocked is simply unwise. Unfortunately, when it comes to creating a strong cyber defense it’s not that simple. Attackers have been evolving their intrusion techniques over decades, focused on one goal, relentlessly probing for weaknesses to enter your domain.

Nearly All Ransomware Attacks Now Include Exfiltration of Data...But Not All Are Notified

Organizations are falling victim to ransomware attacks where data is stolen, but the victim isn’t being told about it. I have a theory as to why this is happening. Many assume data is being exfiltrated as part of a ransomware attack and it’s going to be used as part of the extortion component of the attack. But according to Arctic Wolf’s The State of Cybersecurity: 2024 Trends Report, that doesn’t seem to be the case.

What is API Security for Mobile Apps? Why Is It Important?

Businesses have gone mobile-first, and with good reason—people are spending more time and more money on their phones than ever before. For instance, in 2023, an estimated 66% or 2/3rds of all online orders were made from mobile devices. And in 2024, businesses are expected to spend $402 billion on mobile advertising. Mobile apps have become the first choice for users for their online activities in banking, e-commerce, media streaming, social media, etc.

Network Vulnerabilities Assessment: Benefits & Steps

Securing a network against cyber threats requires a thorough understanding of its vulnerabilities. A vulnerability assessment is a detailed process aimed at identifying, evaluating, and ranking potential weaknesses within a network setup. From examining configurations to assessing access controls, this assessment dives deep into every aspect of the network to uncover areas of vulnerability.

Transforming Sales Enablement: The New Era of Lab Engine

For years now, 11:11 Lab Engine has helped IT administrators navigate the pressures of our fast-paced, global business environment. With IT departments around the world facing increasing workloads and an array of new technical challenges, Lab Engine has allowed organizations to rapidly deploy and scale virtual environments for everything from testing, quality assurance, and training to marketing events and sales experiences. Indeed, an invaluable tool.

PII vs. SPI: Key Differences and Their Importance

Personal Information (PI) encompasses any data that can identify an individual, either directly or indirectly. This includes basic information such as names and addresses. It also includes more specific details like Social Security Numbers (SSN) and biometric data. Understanding the difference between Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and Sensitive Personal Information (SPI) is crucial for effective data protection.