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What to do first when your company suffers a ransomware attack

For many companies it would be a nightmare to discover that they are the latest unwitting victim of a ransomware attack, capable of crippling computer systems and locking up data if a payment isn’t made to cybercriminals. There’s no magic wand that can make a ransomware attack simply disappear with no impact at all on an organisation, but you can lessen the problem by carefully following tried-and-trusted steps in the immediate aftermath of an attack.

Nightfall's Data Loss Prevention Stops Cloud Data Exfiltration

Data exfiltration — the risk of your data ending up somewhere it doesn’t belong — remains one of the greatest data security concerns. This risk is only worsened by the fact that as companies migrate their data into the cloud, they struggle to maintain the visibility needed to ensure their data remains secure.

Working in the SOC with Power Tools: Splunk and Polarity

Have you ever had to saw through a board by hand? I had to finish a partial cut by hand the other day while building a new mantle for my fireplace. It’s slow and difficult, and it often results in a lesser quality cut than one done with a power tool. It’s good exercise, though! We should all have to do it at least once so we appreciate our power tools more.

Understanding how attackers move inside your organization

Cyberthreats have been coming at us from the left, right, and center. The number of cyberattacks is forever on the rise, and companies need to keep ramping up their security measures to protect themselves. It’s important that these measures cover every aspect of a network environment. To understand why monitoring your whole environment is so important, let’s take a look at what an attacker might do once they get inside your organization.

Monitor Auth0 with Datadog

Auth0 provides identity as a service (IDaaS), allowing you to secure your apps and APIs without having to write your own authorization code. Auth0 can work with social identity providers (IdP) like Google and Facebook so your users can access your app by using their existing accounts for authentication. You can also use an existing enterprise identity provider (e.g., LDAP) to allow your users to leverage single sign-on (SSO) across multiple apps.

Next generation firewall (NGFW) explained: What is a NGFW?

Traditional firewalls have been around for decades. But NGFWs, uninhibited by the same technology limits, take advantage of significant advancements in storage space, memory, and processing speeds. The feature set for NGFWs build upon traditional firewall features by including critical security functions like intrusion prevention, VPN, and anti-virus, and even encrypted web traffic inspection to help prevent packets containing malicious content from entering the network.

API Authorization at the Gateway with Apigee, Okta, and OPA (Part 2)

This is the second post in a two-part series about enforcing API authorization policies using Apigee, Okta and OPA. While the first post explained how to set up all three to work together, this post dives into detail on the policies that go along with the working code. The application we will be discussing is based on a hypothetical medical insurance provider Acme Health Care.

Dangerous Docs: Surge in Cloud-delivered Malicious Office Documents

The global pandemic caused an abrupt shift to remote work among enterprise knowledge workers, which in turn resulted in an increase in risky behavior. Attackers immediately tried to capitalize on the pandemic, with COVID-19-themed phishing emails, scams, and Trojans. At the same time, techniques used in more sophisticated cyberattacks continued to evolve.

Fix now: High risk vulnerabilities at large, September 29th

Since the global pandemic we’ve been writing about the latest CVEs to look out for in our risk based vulnerability management blog. As we head into the Autumn and the nights begin to draw in, threat actors continue to exploit vulnerabilities and cause disruption. Let’s take a look at some that have raised their profile in the last couple of weeks

Kubernetes Q3-2020: Threats, Exploits and TTPs

Kubernetes has become the world’s most popular container orchestration system and is taking the enterprise ecosystem by storm. At this disruptive moment it’s useful to look back and review the security threats that have evolved in this dynamic landscape. Identifying these threats and exploits and being a proactive learner may save you a lot of time and effort…as well as help you retain your reputation in the long run.