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Announcing Synopsys as an OpenChain Project third-party certifier

Today, we are proud to announce the expansion of the partnership between Synopsys and the OpenChain project to include third-party certification. The OpenChain Project already recognizes the open source expertise of Synopsys in both the service provider and vendor space. This latest recognition ensures that Synopsys participates in and continuously aligns to the OpenChain Project and ISO/IEC 5230 compliance specification.

Resolve network security issues efficiently with the Firewall Analyzer-ServiceDesk Plus integration

ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer reviews firewall logs to capture network security threats. It generates alerts upon detecting security threats and attacks, and notifies you, the security administrator, in real time. You can configure alerts to be sent via email, SMS, and more. With these real-time notifications, you can troubleshoot to take instant remedial action. You can also make changes to your firewall policies and configurations to prevent recurring security incidents.

The top 10 network security vulnerabilities for businesses in 2021

As per UK DCMS’s data breaches survey, about 32% of businesses in the UK have faced a form of cybersecurity threat between 2018 and 2019. As a result of these network security vulnerabilities, these businesses incurred costs on lost data and many other damages that totalled £4,180.

Ransomware and Energy and Utilities

The exponential growth of IoT devices in the energy and utilities industry has greatly increased focus on cybersecurity. Focus on cybersecurity across industries has increased recently, no doubt due to factors like COVID-19 forcing a jump in remote work. In 2020, we saw cybersecurity move from being a technical problem to a business issue.

Docker Vs. Kubernetes: A Detailed Comparison

The Docker vs. Kubernetes debate is common in the containerization world. Although most people like comparing Kubernetes and Docker, the two technologies are not exchangeable—you cannot choose one over the other. They are essentially discrete technologies that can perfectly complement each other when creating, delivering, and scaling containerized applications. In fact, the best at par comparison would be Docker Swarm vs. Kubernetes, which we’ll talk about later.

Python now fully supported in Snyk Code

Earlier this year, we announced the beta support for Python in Snyk Code. This beta period gave us the chance to let customers have access to our extensive collection of Python rules while we finished our knowledge base review and added curated content. We are happy to announce that this work has concluded, and Python is now a fully supported language. 🐍 🎉

When trust goes wrong - supply chain attack, examples and prevention measures.

Industries of all kinds make use of supply chain management software to automate their business processes. A supply-chain attack is an incident in which one or more people with malicious intent insert themselves into the flow of production, distribution, and/or system management. Supply Chain Attacks usually target manufacturers that create software or services for other companies who use those products while serving their end customers.

A Real-World Look at AWS Best Practices: Password Policies

Best practices for securing an AWS environment have been well-documented and generally accepted, such as AWS’s guidance. However, organizations may still find it challenging on how to begin applying this guidance to their specific environments. In this blog series, we’ll analyze anonymized data from Netskope customers that include security settings of 650,000 entities from 1,143 AWS accounts across several hundred organizations.

The Right Steps to SASE: Place Core Inspection Points Between Users and Apps

This is the third in a series of seven posts detailing a set of incremental steps for implementing a well-functioning SASE architecture. With a Next Generation Secure Web Gateway (NG-SWG) firmly in place and your visibility into all your traffic dramatically increased, one thing is certain: You may not like what you see next. Are your people using Microsoft Office 365? Salesforce? Workday? Box? The answer is almost certainly, yes.