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Tips for Defending Against Adversarial Actions Regardless of Their Origin

When an unfortunate event occurs, people tend to be curious about who was responsible for the event. It can be interesting and helpful to know who your enemy is and what their motives might be. But in cybersecurity, the primary focus is ultimately on preventative and detective measures to avoid similar issues. Let’s use a recent example to illustrate this point below.

Share Large Genomics Files With CROs To Support Clinical Programs

Increasingly, life science companies are applying omics-based testing to clinical trials. These tests support precision medicine models for the study of rare cancers and other diseases. Genomics research tests, for example, can help account for diverse drug responses and outcomes caused by genetic differences in trial participants.

Lessons Learned from 10 years of Egnyte Object Store

While we at Egnyte don’t think of ourselves as a storage company, the very act of storing files— billions and billions of them—is fundamental to what we do. Our customers need to secure, access, and share files, so storage is something we have to get right. Today we hardly think of what it takes to store and secure billions of these files, often taking this process for granted. It has become like the act of breathing—fundamental to existence yet rarely given a second thought.

How Penetration Testing Helps Cloud DLP

The market for penetration testing is expected to reach $3.1 billion by 2027, rising at a market growth of 12% CAGR during this time. Fueled by the rising number of mega-breaches and more sophisticated attacks, IT teams are taking a more proactive approach, using penetration testing to validate and improve their security configurations. As more organizations do business on SaaS and cloud programs, penetration testing is becoming an important complement to cloud data loss prevention tools.

Elastic Security verifies new destructive malware targeting Ukraine: Operation Bleeding Bear

Elastic Security has verified a new destructive malware targeting Ukraine: Operation Bleeding Bear. Over the weekend, Microsoft released details about this multi-stage and destructive malware campaign that the Ukrainian National Cyber Security Coordination Center has been referring to as Operation Bleeding Bear.

6 challenges when protecting a distributed workforce

When employees connect to professional networks remotely the cyber-threat level rises. Elements such as the expansion of the security perimeter of organizations when working remotely or the proliferation of threats from COVID-19-related topics have changed the way we understand cybersecurity. But there are other, more specific challenges that make it more difficult for MSPs to protect clients that have a remotely distributed workforce. These 6 challenges are.

Bob Saget and open source license compliance

Unique open source licenses provide amusement for developers but they create extra work for legal teams overseeing a company’s IP. Several of my open source friends had the same reaction when they heard of the death of Bob Saget. Sadly, the actor/comedian passed away last week at a relatively young age, and with him went an increment of open source license risk. Wait… what?

Introducing wachy: A New Approach to Performance Debugging

Wachy is a new Linux performance debugging tool that Rubrik recently released as open source. It enables interesting new ways of understanding performance by tracing arbitrary compiled binaries and functions with no code changes. This blog post briefly outlines various performance debugging tools that we commonly use, and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Then, we discuss why and how we built wachy.

Protect Archived Data from Ransomware with Immutability for Amazon Web Services Cloud Storage

Protecting your data in the cloud is fundamental to your security posture in terms of business continuity and disaster recovery. While Rubrik customers utilize the cloud every day to safely store off-site copies of their data, this blog is going to explain how we’ve made that practice even safer! We know that security threats to backup systems are on the rise, with hacking, malware, and even human error becoming more prevalent in the age of remote work.

Monitoring Endpoint Logs for Stronger Security

The massive shift to remote work makes managing endpoint security more critical and challenging. Yes, people were already using their own devices for work. However, the rise in phishing attacks during the COVID pandemic shows that all endpoint devices are at a higher risk than before. Plus, more companies are moving toward zero-trust security models. For a successful implementation, you need to secure your endpoints.