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SIEM vs SOAR : Evaluating security tools for the modern SOC

A common question we receive is: should security orchestration, automation and response (SOAR) replace security information and event management (SIEM)? While the two technologies share some common components, they serve different purposes. As security teams look to modernize their security operations center (SOC) to meet the demands of cloud environments, automation is the key priority. To that end, it’s vital to understand the roles of both SIEM and SOAR.

What is an IT Security Network vs. a Cyber Security Network?

The terms "IT security network" and "cyber security network" are often used interchangeably, but there is a big difference between the two. An IT security network is focused on protecting your organization's computer systems and data from unauthorized access, while a cyber security network is designed to protect your entire organization from cyber attacks, including those that target your physical infrastructure.

Ransomware volume already doubled 2021 total by end of Q1 2022 says WatchGuard Threat Lab Report

New research shows Log4Shell detections tripled, PowerShell scripts heavily influenced a surge in endpoint attacks, the Emotet botnet came back in a big way and malicious cryptomining activity increased.

3 security strategies that will boost employee productivity

Security and productivity are two key areas of priority for any business leader. With the current trends in cybersecurity and remote work, companies want to provide access to capabilities that the digital workforce needs, with minimal impact on their experience and minimal risk. In the search for a good balance between data security and productivity, is cybersecurity awareness training enough? Some even find it a challenge.

Does bot management strengthen customer loyalty and engagement?

Organizations can create a level of greater trust between digital businesses and their customers by using sophisticated bot management solutions, as we understand from a recent Gartner ® report. ‘Don’t Treat Your Customer Like a Criminal’, by Gartner analysts Tricia Phillips, Jonathan Care and Akif Khan, is available for a complimentary download from the Netacea website until 31st July 2022.

Snyk is now also hosted in the EU providing regional data residency

From day one, Snyk’s vision has been to enable development and security teams across the world to develop fast while staying secure. A key component of this vision is ensuring our customers feel confident in using our developer security platform. This is why we place the utmost importance on keeping our customers’ data safe and helping them address their security and compliance requirements.

Authenticating legacy apps with a reverse proxy

When we think of “authentication” for our applications, most of us think of user registration, a login form, and resetting passwords. Our concerns begin and end there. But as we dive deeper and our security and compliance requirements change over time, we have to consider new password hashing algorithms, blocking bots, multi-factor authentication, and external identity providers. What started as a clear, concise set of requirements became an ever-growing list.