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Overcoming the Barriers to Automating Your Cybersecurity

"Automation" has become a buzzword in cybersecurity circles. That is not surprising in an environment where security specialists are in short supply and under intense pressure to defend the business against a huge variety of threats from innumerable different sources. Using technology to do at least some of the work seems like a no-brainer. Nevertheless, it seems that organisations are finding it hard to get the right approach to cybersecurity automation.

Top 5 penetration testing methodologies

Penetration testing plays a key role in identifying and addressing vulnerabilities by simulating the behaviour of a potential attacker. A range of penetration testing methodologies have been developed to enable security professionals to achieve this safely and effectively. In this blog post, we discuss the leading pen testing methodologies, what they involve and the aspects they cover.

What is Cheaper? Open-Source vs. Commercialized Mobile App Security Testing Tools

When choosing automated mobile app security testing tools, mobile app development companies have two options: open-source and commercialized tools. But which one should you go for? Or, to be more precise, which one’s cheaper? If you have these questions on your mind, you’ve come to the right place. This blog explicitly differentiates open-source mobile app security testing tools from commercialized ones based on different factors, including cost.

How does robust cybersecurity add value to a business?

A company’s IT infrastructure and data are some of its most valuable assets today. Consequently, protecting them is an increasingly critical goal to stave off worst-case scenarios and preserve a business’s value. By the same token, robust cybersecurity can make a company more valuable. Many organizations understand the importance of cybersecurity as a defense but may overlook its role as an asset.

GitHub Scanning for Policy-as-Code Configuration Validation

We just enhanced Styra Declarative Authorization Service (DAS) with a feature customers have been asking for: near-instant scanning of policy-as-code config files right in GitHub. …Oh, and as a bonus, it’s free, it’s available now and it only takes a couple minutes to see live in-action in your repos!

China-Taiwan Threat Intelligence Landscape

Over the past couple of months, the tension between China and Taiwan has increased dramatically. The well-known conflict between both countries began in 1949 when Taiwan became a self-governing state, while Beijing still considers the island part of its territory. Beijing has promised to “unify” Taiwan with the rest of the mainland, using force if necessary.

Squiz Matrix CMS Authenticated Privilege Escalation through IDOR

During a recent engagement, Trustwave SpiderLabs discovered an Indirect Object Reference (IDOR) vulnerability within Squiz Matrix CMS which would allow any low privileged user to change the contact details of any other user on a Squiz Matrix instance (including administrators). An attacker exploiting the vulnerability could change an administrator’s email address to an attacker-controlled email address after which the attacker could reset the administrator’s password.

Detecting Ransomware on Unmanaged Devices

“If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?” If an unmanaged device is infected with ransomware, will the security operations team receive an alert? Consider a contractor or employee who uses their personal laptop for work. If that device becomes infected with ransomware, not only does it pose a risk to the organization’s data and a risk to other devices within the organization, but the device is not centrally managed.

Developer Roll Up: August 2022

Another month rolls off the calendar with lots of exciting things happening at LimaCharlie. The team was on the ground at Blue Team Con which was a great experience. The most exciting thing this month would have to be the addition of Matt Bromerly to the team. Matt is joining LimaCharlie as a Lead Solutions Engineer/Developer Relations. He has deep experience and a passion for working with organizations to solve their cybersecurity challenges.

Best practices for containerizing .net applications

Containerization with Docker has become a major trend in web application development that many.NET developers have adopted. There are many compelling advantages for developers and DevOps engineers to containerize.NET applications, even when working with the older.NET Framework 4.x versions. However, if we don’t know how to use containers properly, we’ll experience little benefit from them.