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Bring a Healthy Dose of Skepticism ..... Please

We are asked to purchase something 4,000 times every day; that’s roughly once every 13 seconds during our waking hours. These “requests to purchase'' often come in the form of marketing messages that test the bounds of credibility. In the software industry, most of us have trained ourselves to question vendor promises vociferously.

What is the Difference Between Compliance and Auditing in Information Security?

Global information technology (IT) spending on devices, data center systems/software, and communications services reached $4.26 trillion in 2021 and is expected to increase to around 4.43 trillion U.S. dollars at the end of 2022. With this new, skyrocketing growth, organizations face complex new compliance and IT security challenges in how data and information are stored.

Organizations are traveling the road to cybersecurity automation, but it is not a smooth journey

Our latest industry research – ‘The 2022 State of IT Security Automation Adoption’ – which we have undertaken for the second year running and expanded into other regions including the UK, USA and Australia, shows strong signs that cybersecurity automation adoption is advancing, but 97% of respondents say they have experienced problems during implementation.

How to Make Container Security Threats More Containable

As cloud adoption and digital transformation increases, more sensitive data from applications is being stored in data containers. This is why effective container security controls to securely manage application connectivity is an absolute must. AlgoSec CTO and Co-Founder, Prof. Avishai Wool provides some useful container security best practices to help you do just that.

How to Perform a Cybersecurity Audit for Colleges & Universities

‍Cybersecurity audits are essential for any organization to review, analyze, and update its current IT infrastructure, information security policies (ISP), and overall cybersecurity risk management protocols. Audits are a critical part of information security and should be performed annually to ensure that new policies are implemented properly, potential vulnerabilities are identified, and the school maintains compliance with regulatory standards.

Guide to the best data privacy certifications for 2022

According to research by Statista, over 80% of internet users in the US fear that their personal information is vulnerable to hackers. Data privacy defines how organizations and other entities collect data on other individuals, how they process it, for what purposes they collect and process it, how long they keep it, and how they protect it, to name a few. In the modern digital environment, data privacy certifications are essential since they impart the skills needed to become privacy specialists.

The risks of coworking and how MSPs can help eliminate them

A coworking space, or communal workspace, enables professionals from different companies and industries to share the same office environment. These spaces first became popular among freelance workers, then became the preferred workplace for start-ups, but now, since the hybrid work model has become part of everyday life, companies planning to downsize or close offices see these places as their new workspace.