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How To Get a Cheap Code Signing Certificate?

In the era of increasing focus on cyber-security, using only secure software plays an important role. Whether it’s an organization or an individual end-user, everyone is getting more literate about digital well-being. As a result, everyone read out the warnings displayed by systems to protect themselves from malware. Due to it, an Unknown Publisher Warning is also getting seriously considered. And many of the users don’t prefer the software that encounters such alerts.

Why the Need for Application Security Intensifies as EU Tightens Cybersecurity Requirements

Two new sets of regulations introduced by the European Union (EU) indicate that the public sector is taking increased interest in improving cybersecurity and resilience. The EU is introducing the Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) for financial institutions and the Cyber Resilience Act (CRA) for software and hardware providers, both designed to enforce software security and secure delivery of services.

Identity and Access Management (IAM) in Payment Card Industry (PCI) Data Security Standard (DSS) environments.

Many organizations have multiple IAM schemes that they forget about when it comes to a robust compliance framework such as PCI DSS. There are, at minimum, two schemes that need to be reviewed, but consider if you have more from this potential, and probably incomplete, list: Bottom line, in whatever fashion someone or something validates their authorization to use the device, service, or application, that authorization must be mapped to the role and privileges afforded to that actor.

Why incorporating web application scanning capabilities with asset monitoring makes a complete EASM solution

The increasing complexity of applications and networks means that it’s more important than ever to have comprehensive application scanning and attack surface management in one place. Any true and complete standalone EASM solutions should already have application scanning capabilities built into them. But how does this work exactly?

What Is a DMA Attack? Understanding and Mitigating the Threat

You have probably wondered what would happen if your company laptop got lost or stolen. Would someone be able to extract sensitive data from your laptop even if the device is encrypted or locked? There are several ways to compromise a laptop with physical access, and one of them is through a direct memory access (DMA) attack.

Netwire Attack

Todays Headline: International law enforcement operation involving the FBI and police agencies worldwide led to the arrest of a suspected administrator of the net remote access Trojan and the seizure of the services domain and hosting server. NetWire was a remote access trojan promoted as a legitimate remote administration tool to manage a Windows computer remotely.

AI, ChatGPT and Identity Security's Critical Human Element

In 1999, a far-fetched movie about a dystopia run by intelligent machines captured our imaginations (and to this day, remains my favorite film). Twenty-four years later, the line between fact and fiction has all but vanished and the blockbuster hits much differently. Are we entering the Matrix? Are we already in it? Can anyone be sure?

Cloud WAF Pricing: All You Need to Know

Choosing the right Cloud WAF pricing model is like finding the perfect pair of shoes: it’s all about comfort, fit, and style for your organization’s needs. In this guide, we’ll help you navigate the world of Cloud WAF pricing, exploring different options and factors so that you can find the perfect fit for your web application security requirements. For those still evaluating Cloud vs. on-prem WAF, here’s a detailed article on why cloud WAFs are better than on-premise WAFs.

How resilient is your supply chain?

This week kicks off the 6th annual National Supply Chain Integrity Month, an initiative started by CISA and other government agencies to highlight the importance of securing our nation’s most critical systems. This year’s theme, “Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) – The Recipe for Resilience,” is meant to encourage all stakeholders to apply a comprehensive approach in their efforts to strengthen cyber defenses.