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RBI Flags C-KYC as High Risk: Impact on Lenders, Banks, and the Importance of Liveness Detection & Face Match

Using AI-enabled Face Match and Passive Liveness Detection Technology, IDcentral’s eKYC verification solution provides an additional layer of Identity Verification for online user onboarding. Along with increased accuracy, IDcentral’s KYX solution cuts down on onboarding friction associated with traditional KYC and ID verification techniques.

Cybersecurity Audit Checklist

Today’s corporate IT environments are complex and diverse. The security system to protect those environments can easily have hundreds of individual parts, and all of those parts need to be looked at individually and as a whole. To assure that all those parts are working as intended, you should perform a cybersecurity audit. Audits aren’t just good sense, either; many data privacy and security regulations require audits. That said, the steps for a cybersecurity audit can be long.

How SenseOn supports compliance

SenseOn helps organisations improve their security posture and provides the technical capability to meet many of the requirements of common cybersecurity standards. Globally, we have customers who have achieved compliance with ISO 27001, PCI DSS, SOC 2, CIS Top 18, HIPAA, GDPR, and more. This article addresses the most common standards and highlights how SenseOn can help.

Easy PDF Preview and Annotation with Egnyte

In every industry people work with PDF documents in one way or another. With about 2.5 trillion PDFs floating around in the world today (according to Adobe), the PDF has proven to be easy to use and economical in terms of document sharing and consumption. However, despite their popularity, distributed teams that need to collaborate on PDF files often find it difficult to do so without adding unnecessary friction to their workflows.

Your Roadmap to Success with Risk-Based Alerting

In our last RBA blog post, we introduced the Splunk RBA journey and how to plan for a successful implementation. In this post, we dive deeper into the four levels of this journey. One of the things I've discovered in working with Splunk customers is that there is a big difference between an initial trial of RBA and using it effectively in a production environment.

Security Awareness Training (SAT) is finally having its day. Here's why.

Cybersecurity awareness is on the rise as more organizations adopt security awareness training programs. Why the hype? In several recent reports, we break down our findings around why SAT is on the rise—and why companies need it now more than ever.

Understanding how Polymorphic and Metamorphic malware evades detection to infect systems

Polymorphic and metamorphic malware constantly changes itself in order to avoid detection and persistently remain on the system. This adaptive behavior is the main distinctive attribute of these types of malware, which is also why they are harder to detect; it is also why they pose a great threat to systems. On the surface, the functionality of this sort of changing and mutating malware appears the same, but each has its own differences.

When internet security is a requirement, look to dedicated fiber

With increased dangers lurking in digital spaces, the need for cybersecurity is now a commonly known fact for just about all business owners. When it comes to protecting their network, most start with the basic firewall. While added layers are required, there is something even more fundamental that should not be overlooked: the physical connection itself. It is like making sure you have secure and quality doors and windows prior to putting alarms on them.