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The Ultimate Guide to Digital Footprinting: How to Use Email Risk Profiling for Digital Identity Verification

Your digital footprint, also known as a digital shadow or electronic footprint, encompasses the traces of data you leave behind while navigating the online world. This includes your visited websites, sent emails, and submitted information. By understanding digital footprints, we can effectively track online activities and devices associated with individuals.

5 Guiding Principles to protect your IP effectively with Zero Trust

Zero Trust is the new Buzz word in the cybersecurity arena. Ever since, Forrester Analyst, Kindervag introduced the term Zero Trust in his article “Zero Trust Architecture”, traditional security measures have become obsolete. Zero Trust is a security framework that is based on an “I Trust No One” principle; it doesn’t matter if the user is within or outside the organization. A user is not granted access unless he/she is authenticated and authorized first.

Ultimate Security Checklist to Launch a Mobile App in Bahrain - iOS & Android

Launching a mobile app in Bahrain, whether for iOS or Android, requires careful consideration of security measures. According to the World Bank, mobile phone penetration in Bahrain reached 131% of the population in 2021. This indicates that there were more mobile phone subscriptions than the total population, suggesting that many individuals in Bahrain own multiple mobile devices or have multiple subscriptions.

How to avoid burnout in your cybersecurity team?

While cyberattacks have been on the rise in recent years, one of the biggest threats to organizations’ cybersecurity is fatigue in the IT team, which leads to burnout syndrome. Gartner predicts that half of security managers will change jobs by 2025 due to industry-wide burnout. A recent study reveals that 66% of cybersecurity professionals in Europe claim to have experienced fatigue during 2022. In addition, 51% say they have worked more than four hours extra a week above their scheduled hours.

Why You Need Cyber Insurance and How to Obtain It

Cyber risk is everywhere. From credential theft to misconfigurations to vulnerabilities and even phishing attempts, there are cybercriminals poking and prodding at organizations from every angle. This means that organizations not only need to up their cybersecurity, but they also need to think about it in terms of risk and how to holistically mitigate that risk — from identifying threats to protecting against them and responding to them.

The Royal & BlackCat Ransomware: What you Need to Know

The US healthcare sector continues to be aggressively targeted by ransomware operators. Royal and BlackCat are two of the more recent – and highly sophisticated – ransomware threats. These two new flavors of ransomware pose serious potential impacts on the healthcare sector, but there are appropriate mitigation and defense strategies that organizations can take to protect against them.

A Brief Introduction to the World of IP Addresses

How many internet-connected devices do you own? If you took a quick inventory around your house, you may be surprised at exactly how many there are. Have you ever wondered how they all communicate, not only with each other, but with the internet as well? This is, in part the result of technology known as IP addressing.

How to Secure Your SCM Repositories with GitGuardian Honeytokens

Protect your code and secure your repositories with honeytokens. Learn how to create and add these digital traps to your SCM repositories and how GitGuardian helps you stay alert to potential threats. Read on for best practices and tips to make the most out of honeytokens.

API7:2019 Security Misconfiguration: The What, Sample Exploits, and Prevention Methods

Security misconfigurations are very common security risks, not just in web applications but also in APIs. They have been consistently part of the OWASP Top 10 Web Application Vulnerabilities. They were part of the original OWASP Top 10 API Security Risks published in 2019 and have now made it to the updated 2023 list. Security misconfiguration maintains its 7th rank in OWASP Top 10 API 2023RC owing to its widespread prevalence, easy exploitability, and easy detectability.

30+ Password Statistics - An Analysis of Password Trends in Cybersecurity

In 2021, unauthorized access was responsible for 43% of data breaches. Among the data breaches that did not involve an error, misuse of privilege, or physical action, 62% were a result of stolen credentials. This Blog Includes show Password Security Statistics Password Reuse Statistics Password Sharing Statistics Password Management Statistics Password Breach Statistics What is a strong password? Conclusion FAQs How can a password be stolen? What should I do if my password manager is hacked?