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What is DFIR?

As the threat landscape evolves alongside organizations’ move toward digital-first operations and cloud-based applications, part of a robust cybersecurity strategy becomes not just preventing attacks but knowing how best to respond if and when one occurs. That response, specifically digital forensics incident response (DFIR), is the key to mitigating and recovering from a cyber incident.

How to Identify Best Local Cyber Security Company

Did you know that Check Point reported a staggering 38% increase in cyber threats in 2022? This rise in threats makes strong cybersecurity more urgent than ever. Finding a reliable local cyber security company is crucial. Companies like SynchroNet offer more than just security; they understand local needs and respond quickly to emergencies.

Databunker, Skyflow, and Piiano: A Comprehensive Privacy Vault Comparison

Managing sensitive data while meeting compliance and security standards is an ever-growing challenge for organizations. Today, secure data management is a top priority, especially in industries like healthcare, finance, and fintech. This focus is expected to intensify in the coming years. To address these needs, privacy vault solutions like Databunker, Skyflow, and Piiano have emerged. Each offers unique capabilities tailored to specific use cases.

How Sysdig strengthens cloud security posture management with custom risk insights and controls and proactive risk management

Attack surfaces in the cloud are expanding at a breakneck pace. Cloud security has reached an unprecedented level of complexity — ranging from misconfigurations and vulnerabilities to advanced threats and compliance challenges, all while malicious actors are increasingly using generative AI to target your cloud infrastructure.

Graylog Year of CTFs: A Look Back at Our Biggest Highlights

2024 was a thrilling year for Graylog Capture The Flag (CTF) events! Across major cybersecurity conferences, Graylog invited participants to test their skills in a range of challenging scenarios designed to simulate real-world cyber threats. From North America to Europe and beyond, we saw cybersecurity professionals and enthusiasts go head-to-head in Graylog CTFs, flexing their skills, deepening their knowledge, and having fun along the way.

Essential Security Best Practices for Remote Work

As we continue to embrace remote work, it’s crucial to keep our security practices sharp to protect both company and personal data. With increasing cyber threats, adhering to security best practices helps us safeguard our information and maintain our productivity. Here’s a quick guide to help you stay vigilant and secure while working remotely.

CIS Control 12: Network Infrastructure Management

Networks form a critical core for our modern-day society and businesses. These networks are comprised of many types of components that make up the networks’ infrastructure. Network infrastructure devices can be physical or virtual and include things such as routers, switches, firewalls, and wireless access points.

6 Ways to Prevent Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) Attacks

In today’s cyber attack scene, data often takes a detour – straight through hackers’ systems. Unlike phishing or ransomware, which aim to trick users into handing over credentials or stealing data directly from systems, a Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) attack involves an unseen intermediary trying to fool each of two parties into thinking he’s the other one, capturing and/or altering information communicated between the parties, etc.