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Cybersecurity 101 For Entrepreneurs And Start-Ups

At the end of 2018, 30 million small businesses were operating in the United States, many of which relied on a variety of technologies to deliver their services. No matter how small in size or how new on the startup scene, these growing companies often face the same cyber risks that large and well-established companies face.

Top Tax Scams to Watch out For

Diligent taxpayers are being increasingly targeted by con artists who are well-versed in manipulating the revenue system. The crooks usually impersonate IRS (U.S. Internal Revenue Service) officials, sending fake emails or messages on social media in an attempt to defraud the targeted individuals of their money. Unfortunately, lots of people fall for these scams, and the malefactors are raking in significant profits. Below is a list of the prevalent tax swindles doing the rounds nowadays.

Climbing the Vulnerability Management Mountain: Reaching Maturity Level 1

The time at ML:0 can be eye-opening form many organizations. There are generally a lot of assets discovered that are new or had been forgotten about. Almost every organization discovers their own Methuselah; this is the system that has been around forever and performs some important tasks but has not been updated in years. The system admins are scared to touch it for fear of breaking something.

Weekly Cyber Security News 11/10/2019

A selection of this week’s more interesting vulnerability disclosures and cyber security news. Amazing, if not scary selection of news items this week. However, I’m going to pick out three curious and on the face of it ones that would otherwise fly past without interest. The first, and its a subject that really interests me: How do the scammers succeed at social engineering so frequently? Perhaps we can learn a little bit more from this one.

What is Defense in Depth?

Defense in depth is a cyber security strategy that uses a series of layered, redundant defensive measures to protect sensitive data, personally identifiable information (PII) and information technology assets. If one security control fails, the next security layer thwarts the potential cyber attack. This multi-layered approach reduces the cyber threat of a particular vulnerability exploit being successful, improving the security of the system as a whole and greatly reducing cybersecurity risk.

Love your enemies before you destroy them

The cutting edge of cybersecurity is moving away from a reactive defense. Instead of analysts waiting for a threat to happen, they are proactively searching out attackers in their environment. Attackers are dynamic. They are always changing and improving their capabilities, which means that defenders need to lean in and adapt even faster to keep up. Proactive defense is about predicting, understanding, and preventing as many moves as possible that an attacker could make against you.

What is CVE? Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures Explained

Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) is a list of publicly disclosed information security vulnerabilities and exposures. CVE was launched in 1999 by the MITRE corporation to identify and categorize vulnerabilities in software and firmware. CVE provides a free dictionary for organizations to improve their cyber security. MITRE is a nonprofit that operates federally funded research and development centers in the United States.