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Trading Cookies for U.S. Federal Data Privacy Regulations

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has been in effect for two years in the European Union (EU). As Americans continue to become attentive to GDPR and their own data privacy, it’s not surprising that some data protection guidelines are emerging in the United States. Indeed, it’s safe to assume that California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) was modeled from the EUs data privacy framework.

Introducing the Egnyte Content Services Platform

Today, we are excited to be launching the Egnyte Content Services Platform, the evolution of our industry-leading content collaboration and data governance technologies, to help organizations address the issues they face and allow for effective deployment of secure content services. The Platform is a major step forward in the progression of how companies create, use, transact, and manage their critical data.

Splunking Slack Audit Data

The Slack Audit Logs API is for monitoring the audit events happening in a Slack Enterprise Grid organization to ensure continued compliance, to safeguard against any inappropriate system access, and to allow the user to audit suspicious behavior within the enterprise. This essentially means it is an API to know who did what and when in the Slack Enterprise Grid account. We are excited to announce the Slack Add-on for Splunk, that targets this API as a brand new data source for Splunk.

Unleash your Auth0 Log Insights With Coralogix

Auth0 is one of the top leading identity management platforms in the world. It’s focused on providing solutions for application builders, specifically solutions needed for custom-built applications. Auth0 provides expertise to scale and protect identities in any application, for any audience. This post will show you how Coralogix can provide analytics and insights for your Auth0 log data – including performance and security insights.

Top 5 Cybersecurity Risks with Cloud Migration

The demand for cloud computing has skyrocketed in recent years. Lower costs, a faster time to market, increased employee productivity, scalability, and flexibility are some of the beneficial factors motivating organizations to move to the cloud. It’s not likely that organizations will slow down with their migration plans, either.

The importance of cyber training for remote workers

Working remotely has its own personal challenges in terms of productivity: between the cat walking across your keyboard and the kids dropping in on your Zoom meetings, workers across the globe have had to adjust to doing their job in a different way. Organisations also had to swiftly transition to employees working remotely, and this has introduced a new set of risks from a cyber security perspective.

Fix now: High risk vulnerabilities at large, July 2020 part 2

In the world of CVEs, we have seen a few interesting ones released in the last couple of weeks since our last risk based vulnerability management blog, including the recent big news items affecting F5 BIGIP and Pan-OS. Read on for more information on how to prioritize these vulnerabilities for patching to mitigate risk.

5 Steps to Digitizing Your Workspace

Picture your workspace at the office from ten, five, or even two years ago—what has changed? Your computer likely occupies less space than it did in the past. Your office phone, which was once wired to the corner of your desk, now sits comfortably in your pocket. And you are probably working at home exclusively, or at least most of the time.

Ditch the Checklist: Why Automation is the Key to Content Compliance

Compliance frameworks provide guidelines for effective and secure operations for content management across a company’s various repositories. They’re written as a set of controls, each one which corresponds to different settings and policies that an organization must follow in order to ensure the safety of their data.