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What is network security? Network security technologies explained

The modern-day organization is under constant pressure to remain operational and profitable. Both of these pressures are put to the test by cybercriminals daily, who attempt to infiltrate, compromise, navigate, and ultimately act in a threatening manner that can have negative repercussions to productivity, ability to transact, customer privacy, brand reputation and bottom-line revenue.

Leaky Chats: Accidental Exposure and Malware in Discord Attachments

Did you know that Discord attachments are publicly accessible? Did you know that even after deleting an attachment, the link to download the file is still active? In this edition of our leaky app series, we cover how sharing attachment links in Discord can cause accidental public exposure of data. We will also look into the malware abuse case of threat actors using Discord as a malware-hosting platform.

Building a Security Alliance with Your Cloud Partners

As more infrastructure is moved to the cloud, there are many opportunities to reconsider your security stance and relationships to build ever stronger and more secure IT solutions whilst reducing your security costs. In this post, I’m looking to explore some ways that you can build out your alliances to be better prepared and battle-worthy on the digital security war front.

Mastering Compliance in M365 Cloud Office Environments

With the explosive growth of Microsoft 365, many companies are suddenly experiencing content sprawl at an unprecedented rate. What is content sprawl? It’s when your employees create unstructured content (files, chats, video) in the course of their workday, which then gets stored in multiple repositories, like SharePoint and OneDrive. Accelerate that in the context of a remote workforce, and you suddenly have content sprawling all over the place.

Cloud security series: What are the most common cloud security challenges?

In the second of our three-part series, we highlight the most common cloud security challenges. When migrating infrastructure and services to the cloud it is vital to establish a clear strategy to avoid new security risks. As moving to the cloud can vastly widen the attack surface, it’s important to check whether current security controls will still be effective when migration is complete.

Mind the Permission Gap

A few weeks ago, researching another topic, I posed a question - Which domain within the security ecosystem has struggled to move the needle over the past few years? After trawling through a multitude of annual breach analysts reports (Verizon Breach Report, M-Trends, et al., I concluded that “identities accessing cloud infrastructure” was an irritatingly tough nut to crack.

Turning Data into Proactive Security

With cloud computing growing at a phenomenal rate across the world, shifts in consumer behavior towards digital services are resulting in evolutionary changes for the banking, financial services and insurance industry. Cloud-based banking, for example, is regarded as a catalyst for business transformation and a turning point in financial services. Cyber safety, however, has become a key concern holding back cloud adoption in many organizations.

The Importance of Privacy-Focused Monitoring In Light of COVID-19 Work Disruption

The COVID-19 pandemic has increased the already-robust adoption rates for employee monitoring software. Prominent publications, including The Washington Post and The New York Times, have reported on this trend, and they have documented employees’ general unease about the practice. Indeed, even before employees were relegated to their homes, many were uncomfortable with the idea of invasive and unbridled digital oversight.

Alert AA20-302A: Federal agencies warn about ransomware attacks targeting hospitals

A cybersecurity bulletin was released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on October 28, 2020. The three agencies have issued a high-level warning about an increased, imminent threat of ransomware attacks in the healthcare sector. The cybercriminal group behind the TrickBot, Ryuk, and BazarLoader malware is now targeting U.S. hospitals and healthcare providers.