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5 OPA Deployment Performance Models for Microservices

If you’re responsible for a microservices app, you may be familiar with the idea of a “latency budget.” This is the maximum latency, measured as total request time, that you need for the app to work, in order to meet your SLAs and keep stakeholders happy. For a stock trading or financial services app, this budget might be the barest of microseconds.

What I Wish I Knew About U2F and Other Hardware MFA Protocols

Teleport has supported multi-factor authentication (MFA) for a while now, via Authenticator Apps (TOTP) and Hardware Tokens (U2F) such as YubiKeys. But this support was pretty limited: you could only choose one MFA protocol and users could only register one device. If a user lost their device, they would be locked out and need an account reset by the administrator. So, for Teleport 6.0, we’ve reimplemented the MFA support to make it more flexible.

The Zero Trust lesson behind mobile phishing against Australian officials

Australia recently confirmed that a series of mobile phishing attacks were successfully executed on senior officials. According to The Sydney Morning Herald, the targets – which included Australia’s finance minister, health minister and ambassador to the U.S. – were sent messages asking them to validate new WhatsApp or Telegram accounts.

White House launches plan to protect US critical infrastructure against cyber attacks

The White House is reportedly moving swiftly forward with a plan to harden the security of the US power grid against hacking attacks. According to Bloomberg, the Biden administration has a plan to dramatically improve how power utilities defend themselves against attacks from countries considered to be adversaries in cyberspace – such as Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China.

A quick round up of privacy highlights for Q1 of 2021

As expected, the start of 2021 has seen unprecedented movement in the U.S. with 22 states introducing comprehensive privacy legislation and even more introducing specific-use legislation. To date, hundreds of privacy bills were introduced across the states; to give some perspective, more than 50 privacy bills were introduced in New York alone. Undoubtedly a hot topic, it seemed anyone with an idea for a privacy bill put it in writing and introduced it to their legislature.

Securing the IoT tsunami

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a reality. Gartner forecasts 25 billion IoT devices by 2021, and other industry sources and analysts predict even larger numbers. Although projections of unprecedented growth are ubiquitous among industry pundits, the efforts to secure this tsunami of connected devices are in their infancy. The IoT is still relatively new, so it lacks regulations that mandate security.

6 Data Cleansing Strategies For Your Organization

The success of data-driven initiatives for enterprise organizations depends largely on the quality of data available for analysis. This axiom can be summarized simply as garbage in, garbage out: low-quality data that is inaccurate, inconsistent, or incomplete often results in low-validity data analytics that can lead to poor business decision-making.

Detect anomalous activity in your environment with new term-based Detection Rules

When it comes to securing your production environment, it’s essential that your security teams are able to detect any suspicious activity before it becomes a more serious threat. While detecting clear-cut attacker techniques is essential, being able to spot unknowns is vital for full security coverage.

Phishing towards failed trust

Phishing exercises are an important tool towards promoting security awareness in an organization. Phishing is effective, simply because it works. However, any social engineer can devise a marvelously deceptive message with an irresistible link that only the most tech-savvy person would spot as a phishing test. Sometimes, the phish can be sent at a time of day that catches the recipient off-guard, which causes a person to click the malicious link.

All About WhiteSource's 2021 Open Source Security Vulnerabilities Report

It’s that time of year again: WhiteSource’s annual State of Open Source Security Vulnerabilities for 2021 is here. Once again, when 2020 came to a close, our research team took a deep dive into the WhiteSource database to learn what’s new and what stayed the same in the ever-evolving world of open source security.