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Devo Insights on the White House Cybersecurity Executive Order

The recent executive order calling for immediate improvements in the federal government’s cybersecurity is impressive. I give the Biden Administration a lot of credit for publicly admitting there are significant problems and weaknesses in the federal government’s IT and cybersecurity infrastructure and practices. The order also includes some key points that are significant for Devo and our customers.

Uncovered: Little-known scalper tactics beyond bots

Scalpers are becoming increasingly sophisticated, not just in their use of advanced bots, but also in less obvious ways to get a hold of their desired goods. Here at Netacea we are dedicated to preventing fraud by monitoring, identifying and stopping malicious bots in their tracks. We are so steadfast in this goal that we have even created a MITRE ATT&CK style framework that defines automated attack kill chains – NetBLADE (Netacea Business Logic Attack Definition).

Seeker and Red Hat: Security and speed come together

Security and speed in software development are not mutually exclusive. Red Hat, the open source software giant, and the Synopsys Software Integrity Group are joining forces to prove it. Synopsys is bringing Seeker®, its automated interactive application security testing (IAST) tool, to Red Hat application runtimes like JBoss EAP, OpenJDK, and WebSphere with OpenShift Container Platform to secure a variety of software applications.

What Is NIST?

NIST is the abbreviated name of the National Institute of Standards and Technology. It’s one of many federal agencies under the U.S. Department of Commerce, and is one of the oldest physical science laboratories in the United States. As a non-regulatory government agency, NIST was originally founded to enable greater industrial competitiveness in the United States. Its focus stems from the mantra, “One cannot manage what is not measured.

Types of Cryptography Attacks

Cryptography is an essential act of hiding information in transit to ensure that only the receiver can view it. IT experts achieve this by encoding information before sending out and decoding it on the receiver's end. Using an algorithm, IT experts can encrypt information using either symmetric or asymmetric encryption. However, like any other computer system, attackers can launch attacks on cryptosystems.

Snyk takes on responsibility for Node.js ecosystem vulnerability disclosure program

As announced last week by our good friends at the Node.js Foundation, Snyk has agreed to take over from the amazing Node.js ecosystem vulnerability disclosure program. As a company that’s been part of this program from a very early stage — and has been inspired by it to create our own multi-ecosystem disclosure program — it is a great honor to have been entrusted with this responsibility, and we thank the Node.js Foundation sincerely for their trust in this matter.

Cryptocurrency trading bots: Strengthening Cybersecurity and minimizing risks

A staggering $1.9 billion in cryptocurrency was stolen by criminals in 2020, a recent report by Finaria reveals. Fortunately, despite the growth of the crypto market, crypto crime has decreased by 57% since 2019, dropping to $1.9 billion. The widespread recent implementation of stronger security measures also means crypto-criminals stole 160% more in value in 2019 than in 2020, despite the similar number of crimes.

Privacy Impact Assessment - PIA vs DPIA (GDPR)

Before GDPR, PIA (Privacy Impact Assessment) were a thing. This topic is around privacy impact assessment, its purpose, PIA vs DPIA and includes the underlying context of GDPR compliance. The monotony has been changed since the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) came into existence; it has significantly changed the concept of data privacy and security.

What is Unified Policy as Code, and Why Do You Need It?

Uptime. Reliability. Efficiency. These used to be perks, elements of forward-thinking and premium-level enterprises. Now they’re a baseline expectation. Today, consumers expect information, resources, and services to be available on-demand, updated in real time, and accessible without fuss. Imagine trying to Google something or place an order from Amazon only to be told, “Please try again in 48 hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.”

Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) GDPR - meaning, methodology and more!

A DPIA is a Data Protection Impact Assessment. It’s an assessment of the likely impact on data subjects (individual) and their rights, both regarding privacy and freedom to conduct business. The goal: To identify what measures might be needed for compliance with GDPR or equivalent legislation elsewhere in the world before beginning a new process involving personal data that will make it clear how that individual’s right is affected by this project.