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SOC for Cybersecurity- Everything You Should be knowing

Cybersecurity has always been a major concern for most businesses. With the growing incidents of data breaches, it is now imperative for businesses to invest their resource in securing their IT infrastructure and data. Moreover, after the COVID-19 scenario, there was an unprecedented spike in the need for remote working. This totally hampered the security measures implemented by the organization’s IT and Cybersecurity teams.

Ransomware Landscape Q2

The first quarter of 2022 was rich with many unusual incidents of new ransomware groups, and new techniques. The most notable event of Q1 was without a doubt the ContiLeaks incident, courtesy of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, which lasted till not long ago, at the end of Q2. As the shockwaves of the Russia-Ukraine conflict have faded, when it comes to the ransomware industry, we have seen many families going “back to business”.

DevSecOps monitor and decommission

This is the final article of the DevSecOps series and how it overlays onto DevOps lifecycle. In the first article, we discussed build and test in DevSecOps. In the second article, we covered securing the different components of the deploy and operate process. The final phases of the DevOps lifecycle are monitoring the deployed applications and eventually decommissioning when they are no longer needed.

How to Deploy Pods in Kubernetes?

Kubernetes leverages various deployment objects to simplify the provisioning of resources and configuration of workloads running in containers. These objects include ReplicaSets, lSets, Sets, and Deployments. A pod is the smallest deployment unit in Kubernetes that usually represents one instance of the containerized application.

Seamless path to Zero Trust for Texas: Lookout Receives TX-RAMP Level 2 Certification

Here at Lookout we have a long tradition of supporting the cybersecurity requirements of all levels of government in the U.S. This is why I’m thrilled to announce that we have received a Level 2 certification, the highest tier of authorization, from the Texas Risk and Authorization Management Program (TX-RAMP).

KuppingerCole rates SECUDE as outstanding in extending Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP)

We are excited to share that SECUDE has been rated “Outstanding in Extending Microsoft Purview Information Protection” in the KuppingerCole Market Compass for Secure Collaboration, May 2022. SECUDE was awarded the highest possible score of “Strong Positive” in the following categories: security, deployment, and usability.

What is Database Security? Learn how to secure databases

Databases are essential for organisations because they store data critical for the organisation to function. This data can include customer information, financial records, and contact details. Organisations need to access this data quickly and securely to make decisions and run their business. A database can help them do this by providing a centralised location for all their data.

Calico workload-centric web application firewall (WAF): A better way to secure cloud-native applications

Container-based web applications built on microservices architecture, whether public-facing or internal, are critical to businesses. This new class of applications is commonly referred to as cloud-native applications. Read on to find out why traditional WAFs are no longer enough to protect cloud-native applications and how Calico’s new workload-centric WAF solves this problem.

How to Create and Deploy a Content Security Policy

When it comes to client-side security, creating and deploying a content security policy (CSP) can serve as a solid starting point. To deploy a content security policy, you must first identify assets, including first- and third-party resources that will be loaded in the browser when a user visits your website. For those who haven’t heard of a content security policy (CSP), you probably know that it’s easier said than done. Let’s talk about what those steps are to deploy a CSP.

How to secure Kubernetes deployment with signature verification

When running containers in a Kubernetes cluster, trusting the images you deploy is key to enforce security. The use of mutable images represents a risk to the secure Kubernetes deployment and highlights the importance of having a reliable mechanism to ensure you run what you expect. In this blog, you will learn step-by-step how to implement a secure Kubernetes deployment.