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Automated Cybersecurity for Converged IT/OT/ICS Manufacturing Environments

For decades, IT and operational technology/industrial control systems (OT/ICS) were seen as separate entities within organizations. In keeping with practices first defined by the Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture, the two systems were entirely air gapped to never impact one another. While this separation kept OT networks more protected, it is no longer practical.

WatchGuard Recognized at ChannelPro Network's 2022 Reader's Choice Awards

We are thrilled to share that WatchGuard has secured Bronze in the “Best Network Security Vendor” category at this year’s ChannelPro Network Reader’s Choice Awards! This annual awards program is the IT channel’s only SMB-focused Reader’s Choice Awards by casting their votes for the vendors, distributors and professional organizations with the most SMB- and partner-friendly solutions in the channel today.

Automated incident response using Log360

Security teams are often overwhelmed with alerts daily, including false positives, and actions that require attention but might be placed on the back burner. But when alerts start stacking up and aren’t addressed promptly, important security concerns might go unnoticed and these can spiral into a data breach. The time to detect and respond to security incidents should be as short as possible to limit the time an attacker can carry out an attack.

Top 10 Software Deployment Tools for 2022

Approaching any finish line in life can be exciting yet stressful. This holds especially true in software deployment. The deployment phase is the final phase of the software development life cycle (SDLC) which puts the software into production. After a project team completes their planning, designing, and testing of a software product, the product is ready to go live.

5 Misconceptions About API Security Testing for Mobile

The use of Application Programming Interface has skyrocketed with the rapid adoption of cloud, web, and mobile apps. Accordingly, API security testing has had to move into a completely different phase owing to the complexity as well as time and resource limitations. API testing involves testing the APIs directly, including their functionality, reliability, performance, and security.

The evolution of Zero Trust with AT&T: the ZTNA 2.0 advantage

This blog was jointly written with Kumar Ramachandran, Senior Vice President, Palo Alto Networks Most people can recall a time when computers were pieces of equipment that remained in a fixed location. Because of this, security was less of an issue outside of an organization's own walls. That all changed when laptop computers and mobile devices ushered in the era of the mobile workforce.

Is deliberate exfiltration or human error the bigger outbound threat?

Outbound threats cause a continuous headache for IT professionals. There’s so much variety in type and risk level, and prioritizing what to be most concerned about is a challenge. Plus, risks have ramped up in recent years due to the rise in home working, flexible working, and BYOD, making the landscape more complex. It’s easy to be concerned about whether you have the right tools in place to deal with the multitude of cybersecurity risks out there.