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What Are Operational POA&Ms in FedRAMP Equivalency?

Recently, the Department of Defense shook up the entire defense industrial base with the release of a memo titled “Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program Moderate Equivalency for Cloud Service Provider’s Cloud Service Offerings.” The memo, aimed at FedRAMP contractors and the CSPs they work with, clarifies the concept of equivalency and what it means to be equivalent to the FedRAMP/CMMC Moderate control standard.

5 ways Vanta customers use Trust Centers to demonstrate their security

Trust and transparency are key to winning customers today. Customers and prospects of all sizes need to know how you’ll protect their data before they can do business with you — which often leads to lengthy questionnaires, long security reviews, and stretched sales cycles as they work to understand your security posture.

Xalient achieves continued compliance with ISO 20000:2018 and expands scope to the Benelux region.

Xalient is proud to announce that it has successfully maintained its ISO 20000:2018 certification for Service Management in a recent audit, marking another milestone in its journey of operational excellence. This achievement, led by Craig Ingham, Xalient’s Group Information Security & Compliance Director, demonstrates Xalient’s dedication to providing high-quality IT services while successfully managing end-to-end service delivery.

HIPAA Compliance For Email

In the current era of digital technology, email has become an essential means of communication in the healthcare sector. It helps simplify processes, fosters teamwork, and enhances the quality of patient care. However, it is important that the confidential patient data is kept secure, and all communications are done as per the HIPAA compliance email procedures.

What's an Identity Provider (IdP)?

You could have the strongest firewalls, encryption, anti-malware, vulnerability scanners, and risk management tools in the world and still leave one critical gap in your cybersecurity infrastructure — insider threats. And most of those threats come from poor identity management. But what, exactly, is good identity management? How do you pick the right identity provider for your organization?

What CISOs Need to Know About the SEC's New Rules

Working as a Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) has never been easy or glamorous. But with the recent adoption of new rules by the U.S. Security and Exchange Commission on cybersecurity risk management, strategy, governance and incident disclosure, life as a CISO has just gotten harder. Adding to the longstanding organizational risk CISO’s have always managed, now they have to contend with personal risk as well.

DD2345 Military Critical Technical Data Agreement and CMMC

What is the government if not an organization dedicated to the creation of paperwork? All of that paperwork means something, though, and it can range from trivial to vitally important. One of the more important forms, if it’s required for your business or institution to fill out, is the DD2345 form. What is it, what is it used for, do you need one, and how does it interact with CMMC?

What Are Managed IT Services For Businesses? A Helpful Guide

In today’s fast-moving tech world, every business—big or small—needs an IT setup that’s not just robust but also smart enough to keep up with rapid changes and challenges. That’s where managed IT services come in. They do more than just prop up your tech; they turbocharge your business goals. Ever wonder how managed IT services slide into your overall business strategy? It’s not all about fixing tech breakdowns.

Accelerating the Future of Trust for the Enterprise: Vanta Supercharges Trust Centers with Questionnaire Automation and Vanta AI

Leveraging AI and automation to help enterprises build customer trust and close deals faster. New enterprise-grade capabilities empower large organizations to demonstrate trust at scale. Vanta to debut new offerings at RSA Conference May 6 - 9 in San Francisco.