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6 Common Compliance Conundrums to Know About

Cyber security assessment initiatives and frameworks abound in the US government, the most important being the Federal Information Systems Management Act (FISMA), passed in 2002. The law’s broad scope included a mandate to the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), charging it to create methods and standards to assess and optimize the cybersecurity posture of US government agencies.

FedRAMP Pentesting Requirements

If you’re doing business in the cloud, odds are you know a thing or two about compliance maintenance. This article highlights The Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) and explains how this certification stands out from the rest by not being another just another check here for compliance standard. So, what is FedRAMP?

Cyber Security + Compliance Controls: What Does It All Mean, Rick?

Throughout my career, I have worked with hundreds of organizations. Regardless of the vertical or size of the organization, I have found that many executives and security professionals feel like the interviewer in the Rickie Fowler commercial when it comes to their organization’s digital security. They don’t know where to start, for instance, nor are they aware of where and how today’s ever-evolving risks and threats affect the respective organization.

Workflow Automation For Compliance

The time-consuming, administratively burdensome compliance process is riddled with potential human errors that can lead to violations. As securing data increasingly relies on proving controls’ effectiveness, the compliance becomes more stressful for everyone in the organization. However, building compliance workflow can streamline the process leading to a more cost effect and auditable outcome.

The Responsibilities of a Compliance Manager

Being a compliance manager can sound tedious to a lot of people. When people think about compliance, they often think in terms of checking boxes on audit forms. However, compliance management is more like putting together a puzzle without having the cover picture. Compliance issues come from a variety of regulations and industry standards, often overlapping while sometimes being disconnected.

What is the Primary Objective of Data Security Controls?

Effective information security management requires understanding the primary concepts and principles including protection mechanisms, change control/management, and data classification. However, those terms may feel overwhelming at first leading many businesses to follow compliance requirements blindly without fully understanding whether they effectively secure their systems, networks, and software.

Help stop data leaks with the Forseti External Project Access Scanner

Editor’s note: This is the second post in a series about Forseti Security, an open-source security toolkit for Google Cloud Platform (GCP) environments . In our last post, ClearDATA told us about a serverless alternative to the usual way of deploying Forseti in a dedicated VM. In this post, we learn about Forseti’s new External Project Access Scanner. With data breaches or leaks a common headline, cloud data security is a constant concern for organizations today.

What is Risk Exception

A business wants to hire a vendor. However, this vendor does not meet policy standards and has requested an exception. The question you face is whether or not to approve or deny that exception request. What’s good for business sometimes comes with added risk. In fact, many incidents are the direct result of a policy violation. For risk management, and business needs, maybe the answer isn’t a simple yay or nay but a more nuanced approach.