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What is the NIST cyber security framework?

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework is a set of guidelines and best practices designed to help organisations better manage and reduce cybersecurity risk. It stands for the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (CSF). The Framework was developed by NIST, part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, and first published in 2014, following an executive order by then President, Barack Obama which focused on improving the cybersecurity of critical infrastructure in the United States.

Top open source licenses and legal risk for developers

If you’re a software developer, you’re probably using open source components and libraries to build software. You know those components are governed by different open source licenses, but do you know all the license details? In particular, do you know the sometimes-convoluted licensing conditions that could pose compliance challenges for your organization?

Setting Objectives with ISO 27001's ISMS: A Strategic Overview

ISO 27001 is an international standard specifying how organizations should develop and implement an effective information security management system (ISMS). Organizations can apply ISO 27001 to manage their information security risks and be certified as ISO 27001-compliant. The measures to achieve compliance are specified in Annex A of the standard; organizations should select and apply the necessary controls to safeguard their stakeholders based on their own company risk profile.

Creating an Efficient Document Repository for Compliance

Modern organizations have huge demands for regulatory compliance, which means a huge amount of documentation that your business must generate and manage to show that it is fulfilling those compliance obligations. As such, a document management system is crucial for an effective compliance program. This article will review what document management systems should be able to do, common challenges in building a document management system, and how to get started with doing so.

Third-Party Vendor Risk Management in U.S. Treasury Operations

The U.S. Treasury, also known as the Department of the Treasury, manages the finances of the U.S. government. This department has various duties, including maintaining the economic stability of the United States, managing government finances, and implementing policy decisions that impact both domestic and international affairs. Like most large organizations, the U.S.

TPRM for Government Contractors: General Services Administration Policies

The U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is an independent agency that helps manage and support the basic functioning of federal agencies. The GSA supplies products and communications, provides transportation and office space, and oversees the government’s real estate portfolio, among other management tasks.

UpGuard Summit March 2024 Recap: Scaling Your TPRM Program

In mid-March, UpGuard welcomed security professionals from APAC, EMEA, India, and the U.S. to participate in the first UpGuard Summit of 2024. This quarter’s event focused on third-party risk management (TPRM), specifically addressing how organizations can scale their TPRM programs to meet their evolving needs and defend their growing attack surfaces.

Vendor Risk Management: Benefits, Process, Software, and Tools

Vendor risk management (VRM) is a process that helps businesses manage the risks associated with their vendors. This includes assessing how well their vendors are performing, identifying potential problems early, and taking appropriate action to mitigate any damage.

Quantifying NIST CSF Maturity Levels for Data-Driven Cyber Programs

Cybersecurity maturity assessments play a fundamental role in helping chief information security officers (CISOs) determine the level of risk their organizations face due to cyber activity. By illuminating the various areas that are exposed to exploitation, these evaluations serve as a blueprint for cybersecurity leaders tasked with making the business secure amid an increasingly risky operational landscape.