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How to Handle a Data Breach Within Your Company

Prevention, they say, is better than cure. Most companies have put in place stringent data security measures to prevent any kind of breach. However, following recent security breaches of tech-savvy giants like Twitter, Target, and Gmail, it's clear that no company is 100% immune to a breach. Therefore, businesses must draw an action plan for handling a data breach should the security and prevention measures fail. Here's a comprehensive data breach response guide every company should implement when the situation calls for it.

Automotive threat analysis and risk assessment method

The TARA method provides risk evaluation, assessment, treatment, and planning for identified risks. Learn how to apply this method to the ISO SAE 21434 standard. In our earlier blog posts we covered the ISO SAE 21434 standard, including the organizational cyber security plan as well as the cyber security assurance levels in depth. We will now look at the impact calculation and detailed threat analysis and risk assessment (TARA) coverage within this new standard.

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Project Management Lessons Learned From Risk Management

While risk management can be draining, it offers crucial lessons that enable managers to implement projects efficiently. If you undertake a thorough risk analysis before any project, you'll identify all the gaps and create mitigation strategies. This way, you'll save time and resources.

Understanding Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM)

Cybersecurity Supply Chain Risk Management (C-SCRM) deals with more than protecting an organization from cyber-attacks on third parties. It also addresses third parties to those third parties (known as “fourth parties”). Further still, a vendor to your vendor’s vendor is a fifth party, then a sixth party, etc. Your SCRM should involve knowledge of how far, complex and even convoluted your supply chain is. Then measure this complexity with your risk appetite.

Improve Workflow Collaboration with Slack Integration for ZenGRC

Not long ago, we’d say “slack” to describe not working, as in “slacking on the job.” With the advent of the Slack app, though, the term has become synonymous with productivity. And Slack’s ability to work in tandem with hundreds of applications makes this popular team communication and collaboration tool even more useful.

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Data Protection Vs. Cyber Security: Why You Need Both

In recent years, both large and small organizations have been affected by data breaches. Business owners, C-suite executives, and CIOs face the reality that they can be a target of security breaches at any time. These incidents can jeopardize your organization's credibility besides leading to financial and productivity losses.

ISO 27001 Firewall Security Audit Checklist

Because of additional regulations and standards pertaining to information security, including Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA), California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and ISO 27001, organizations are putting more emphasis on compliance as well as the auditing of their cybersecurity policies and cybersecurity controls.

Security risk assessments explained

This blog was written by a third party author. A security risk assessment is a formal method for evaluating an organization's cybersecurity risk posture. Comprehensive security risk assessments take stock in business objectives, existing security controls, and the risk environment in which the business operates. When done well, the assessment identifies security gaps in existing controls as compared with industry best practices.

Supply Chain Risk Management - What You Need to Know to Build a Successful SCRM Program

There is a story from years ago about a warehouse network of computers that was separated from the main network. Those machines were running older OSes. But since they weren’t connected to the company network, didn’t hold company data, and only ran the warehouse machines, they were deemed secure. One day, the sysadmin noticed that all of those computers had a glitch at the same time. He remotely rebooted and went back to his desk. But they all glitched again. What happened?