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The Ultimate Guide to Security Awareness Training

The definition of security awareness is likely broader and deeper than your organization may realize. Security awareness aims to address one of the trickiest weak points in your organization: its people. Security awareness is intended to change behavior and reinforce good security practices among your employees and other third parties. In short, it should be a cultural change.

What are Cybersecurity Threats?

A cybersecurity threat is the threat of malicious attack by an individual or organization attempting to gain access to a network, to corrupt data or steal confidential information. No company is immune from cyber attacks and the data breaches that can result. Some cyberattacks can even destroy computer systems. As cyber threats become increasingly sophisticated, your business must implement the security needed to safeguard its data and networks.

Complying with HIPAA Breach Notification Rules

Learn all about the HIPAA breach notification rules and how you can best protect your business by being ready to comply with anticipated 2021 HIPAA breach notification rules. The HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) breach notification rules spell out how hospital systems, physicians, and other healthcare providers must notify their patients, as well as the U.S.

How to Manage Your Digital Risk in 2021

Though digital transformation is necessary, it's accompanied by some serious risks. This is the scaling conundrum of 2021 - organizations must embrace digitization to remain relevant, however, the greater the digital transformation, the greater the associated digital risks. Thankfully, with the correct digital risk management, organizations can continue to safely embrace digital transformation while mitigating the byproduct of digital risks.

The Most Common Corporate Cybersecurity Risks

“Corporate cybersecurity” refers to the tactics and methodologies that organizations use to safeguard sensitive data, prevent unauthorized access to information systems, and protect themselves from cyber attacks such as malware or ransomware attacks, trojan viruses, social engineering or phishing email, endpoint breaches, and so forth. Cybercrime can be catastrophic for small businesses, but even large enterprises don’t have the luxury of taking cybersecurity for granted.

Cyber Risk - Why Corporate Governance Matters

In the high-pitched, relentless battle against cyberattacks, much of the attention and energy has been focused on technical solutions, regulatory compliance, and balancing risks with opportunities. What about corporate governance? What role does executive and board-level oversight play in ensuring robust cybersecurity … and what role should it play?

What is a Compliance Risk Assessment?

As global regulations for data privacy and cybersecurity continue to proliferate, the pressure for organizations to manage compliance risk grows. To meet the demand for greater compliance risk management and value for corporate stakeholders, compliance professionals must be sure they have a thorough understanding of their compliance obligations and potential vulnerabilities.

How to choose a Digital Risk Protection Service (DPRS)

Digital risks are an inevitable by-product of an expanding ecosystem, and an expanding ecosystem is essential to societies' progression into the fourth industrial revolution. This unsettling conundrum has given rise to a novel field of cybersecurity known as Digital RIsk Protection (DRP). But like all novel solutions, it can be difficult to identify the capable minority from the majority still finding their feet.

What is Digital Risk?

Digital risk refers to all unexpected consequences that result from digital transformation and disrupt the achievement of business objectives. When a business scales, its attack surface expands, increasing its exposure to outside threats. This makes digital risk an unavoidable by-product of digital transformation. Fortunately, digital risk protection strategies have been developed to mitigate digital risk so that organizations can continue confidently scaling their operations.

Reciprocity Named Leader on G2 Spring 2021 Grid Report for Sixth Consecutive Quarter

ZenGRC Designated ‘Leader’ and ‘Users Love Us’ Among GRC Platforms SAN FRANCISCO – March 25, 2021 – Reciprocity, a leader in information security risk and compliance with its ZenGRC solution, today announced ZenGRC™ earned two badges on the G2 Spring 2021 Grid Report. This marks the 16th consecutive quarter ZenGRC has been recognized by G2 in its quarterly report.