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Q1 2023 Threat Landscape Report: Ransomware Groups Splinter, Swarm Professional Services

Kroll’s findings for Q1 2023 highlight fragmented threat actor groups and a continued evolution in attack methods and approaches, which, alongside other key shifts in behavior, have concerning implications for organizations in many sectors. In Q1 2023, Kroll observed a 57% increase in the overall targeting of the professional services sector from the end of 2022.

The cost of ransomware attacks

Ransomware attacks target organizations or individuals using malware that takes systems or data hostage until a ransom is paid on the promise that a decryption key will then be sent to the organization. There are two main forms of ransomware, non-encrypting ransomware, and crypto ransomware. Non-encrypting, or screen-locking ransomware, locks victims out of their device entirely and is the least common form of ransomware used by cybercriminals.

Ransomware Gangs are "Big Game Hunting" as Victim Org Sizes and Ransom Payments Continue to Rise

Midsize and enterprise organizations take notice: the average and median amount of a ransom payment and the median size of the victim organization are on the rise. If you’re at all concerned about ransomware (and you should be), the latest details from ransomware response vendor Coveware’s latest Quarterly Ransomware Report should have your attention.

78% of Ransomware Victim Organizations Encounter Additional Threats-Turned-Extortions

New data sheds light on how likely your organization will succumb to a ransomware attack, whether you can recover your data, and what’s inhibiting a proper security posture. You have a solid grasp on what your organization’s cybersecurity stance does and does not include. But is it enough to stop today’s ransomware attacks?

Arctic Wolf Labs Review of Joint Cybersecurity Advisory on Russian-Backed Snake Malware

On Tuesday May 9th, 2023, CISA published a Joint Cybersecurity Advisory titled “Hunting Russian Intelligence ‘Snake’ Malware” which provided an in-depth analysis of the Russian Federal Security Services’ (FSB) Snake malware. Arctic Wolf Labs has analyzed the advisory and have summarized the content into key findings and takeaways for the security community.

CACTUS Ransomware: Prickly New Variant Evades Detection

Kroll Cyber Threat Intelligence analysts have identified a new strain of ransomware, named CACTUS, targeting large commercial entities since March 2023. The name “CACTUS” is derived from the filename provided within the ransom note, cAcTuS.readme.txt, and the self-declared name within the ransom note itself. Encrypted files are appended with.cts1, although Kroll notes the number at the end of the extension has been observed to vary across incidents and victims.

Number of Ransomware Victim Organizations Nearly Doubles in March

New data shows a resurgence in successful ransomware attacks with organizations in specific industries, countries and revenue bands being the target. While every organization should always operate under the premise that they may be a ransomware target on any given day, it’s always good to see industry trends to paint a picture of where cybercriminals are currently focusing their efforts.